Message from @Crimsom

Discord ID: 531243104574111754

2019-01-05 18:04:23 UTC  

New copy pasta fresh out of the oven

Hey there, everyone! I'm wondering if you can give me any good suggestions for heavy metal music. The thing is, though- I feel extremely uncomfortable listening to anything problematic, so please, take that into account. That means: I will not listen to any heavy metal that contains overt misogyny or depicts women as sexual objects. Absolutely no toxic masculinity or male power fantasy. That means anything using the 'f' word, or anything that conflates manhood with aggression or dominance. No racism, even crypto-racism such as musical depiction of conflict with chaotic evil fantasy races such as goblins or cis men.

2019-01-05 18:10:00 UTC  

lol nice

2019-01-05 18:10:02 UTC  

i have something

2019-01-05 19:43:00 UTC

2019-01-05 21:08:14 UTC  

seems family friendly to me, the target audience is clearly 14 year olds

2019-01-05 21:26:27 UTC

2019-01-05 22:16:35 UTC  

unironically, alexjones is my favorite metal singer

2019-01-05 22:32:03 UTC  

Speaking of alex jones

2019-01-05 22:32:11 UTC

2019-01-05 22:38:11 UTC

2019-01-05 22:38:39 UTC  

well she ain't wrong.. truth is a bit uncomfortable sometimes huh

2019-01-05 22:40:13 UTC  

Tha entirely depends on what you mean by "important decisions". Decisions in their personal lives they're perfectly capable of making. Matters of state probably not most of them.

2019-01-05 22:43:42 UTC

2019-01-05 22:46:54 UTC  

is that real..

2019-01-05 22:48:01 UTC  

sort of. There was a Viking Leader they found burried with full honnors as a concquorer. DNA has proven the Viking was a she

2019-01-05 22:50:26 UTC  

Doesn’t mean she was a warrior. Good leaders, no matter the gender, were buried that way. Conqueror simply meant lead them to expanding power, which Vikings weren’t just about blood and war. Though, she probably had more balls then most men today.

2019-01-05 22:51:16 UTC  

Correct Crimson

2019-01-05 22:51:23 UTC  

Why I said Sort of

2019-01-05 22:53:39 UTC  

There are a few accounts of ladies going to war in the various records and when these do happen they are of special not. In general it wasn't a common occurance like a lot of "Feminist historians" want to claim

2019-01-05 22:56:19 UTC  

Well we do have records of viking female leading armies. Example Queen Tyra (female form of Thor) lead an army against the evil germanic tribes south of the border. We know this because her son King Harald Bluetooth erected a runestone in her honor.

2019-01-05 22:56:25 UTC  

but why would they assume her gender

2019-01-05 22:59:06 UTC  

I looked up the article. I’d wager she may have been a decent tactician from what I’m reading. Definitely had the build at the time to fight alongside the men. She was 5’6 while the average male was 5’7. She was very large for a Viking woman.

2019-01-05 23:00:06 UTC  

If she was a warrior, she would be named in a record somewhere, but you have to do the digging. Otherwise who knows

2019-01-05 23:01:21 UTC  

But there is an emphasis in her tomb on her being a tactician rather than a great warrior. She still probably would’ve fought though. And no, a lot of things are lost or omitted by the “scholars” back then.

2019-01-05 23:02:08 UTC  

frankly leaders are less likely to see direct combat if given the choice

2019-01-05 23:02:15 UTC  


2019-01-05 23:03:55 UTC  

Thing is that we can never know if she engaged in combat. We know she was buried like a military leader and had the stature to fight well at the time, but that doesn’t mean she ever did.

2019-01-05 23:05:05 UTC  

Personally, I’d think she would’ve encountered a bit of combat, but nowhere enough to make her out as some great Viking warrior. Reason she was buried with a war game board rather than a weapon in her lap

2019-01-05 23:05:11 UTC  

Quite a few women were trained in combat to keep slaves in line in Norse countries.

2019-01-05 23:05:23 UTC  

Doesn't mean they did battle.

2019-01-05 23:05:46 UTC  

Few women are given a military leader burial

2019-01-05 23:06:54 UTC  

Look into the shit storm of "Gladatrix" from a while back. Feminist Hystorians claimed women competed against men in the roman gladiator rings all the time, the evidence proved they were brought in as novelties when they couldn't get any real gladiators.

2019-01-05 23:08:49 UTC  

so like fake female overwatch gamers

2019-01-05 23:08:51 UTC  

I understand what you are saying. I never stated she did go into direct combat. I’m stating the evidence shown would point to some military leader. That gives a much larger chance of combat then others, but she was buried more like a tactician than a warrior

2019-01-05 23:10:11 UTC  

The most famous would be Tyra, she commanded her army from the rear. She even order the construction of the southern border wall sealing Denmark off from mainland europe,a clear demarcation of a national border.