Message from @Norik

Discord ID: 701527643773861889

2020-04-19 20:02:00 UTC  

Regarding the Bernie bro vid I think it's unlikely most are going to be converted but a chunk probably will if the dissident right were relevant enough to be in the public's mind
It'd definitely be a transformative process and unlikely to work like with libertarians where they drag a lot of their older notions with them. I don't see it happening at all unless they radicalize in the first place. Imo a demsoc is less likely to switch sides than one who is more authoritarian. That's why you saw a number of communists switch to the Nsdap in Germany but not social democrats to the same degree

2020-04-19 20:02:12 UTC  

Also basically ignore the twitter crowd on this

2020-04-19 20:03:13 UTC  

I don't think most are as invested as the people there

2020-04-19 20:07:06 UTC  

Also you're not going to convert them in person. I don't think arguments etc. about how immigration is hurting workers work because that's not how most people operate

2020-04-19 20:07:20 UTC  

People on the internet and irl are entirely different animal

2020-04-19 20:07:37 UTC  

Most people are conformists and just latch on to an idea cluster

2020-04-19 20:08:20 UTC  

So you aren't going to convince bernie bros or normies in the wider sense using the marketplace of ideas or whatever

2020-04-19 20:09:12 UTC  

I was a Bernie Supporter in 2016 so it is possible but you need to give them a ramp off, appeal to them based on their own arguments. So make Immigration based around Worker Rights, Make them accept that we need assimilation cause Muslims hate gays or something and then slowly but surely work them to being NRX

2020-04-19 20:09:46 UTC  

I don't think that's how most people work

2020-04-19 20:10:08 UTC  

Conformists will hear the arguments and it'll wash off of them

2020-04-19 20:10:42 UTC  

Because there's a herd mentality in most people

2020-04-19 20:11:52 UTC  

Or rather conformist mindset where they trust in their authority to a larger degree than more nonconformist types

2020-04-19 20:13:04 UTC  

So it is crucial to first make them distrust their herd/leader. The moment they become disillusioned they are ready for some new thing to latch on to

2020-04-19 20:16:23 UTC  

I don’t know about that

2020-04-19 20:16:52 UTC  

Most socdem lefties hate the DNC, especially after Bernie’s double cucking

2020-04-19 20:17:01 UTC  

And yet they’re all going to vote for Biden anyway

2020-04-19 20:17:19 UTC  

Or at least enough of them to make the dissidents statistically insignificant

2020-04-19 20:19:31 UTC  

I think a large number will just not vote at all

2020-04-19 20:19:47 UTC  

Because they don't really have that many options left

2020-04-19 20:20:02 UTC  

It's either Biden, Trump or not giving a shit

2020-04-19 20:20:24 UTC  

I think you underestimate Trump-derangement syndrome

2020-04-19 20:22:44 UTC  

Idk how many people actually are that neurotic. I'm sure most that will vote will vote for Biden out of spite for Trump

2020-04-19 20:23:41 UTC  

I think the internet is kind of a schewed sample of people

2020-04-19 20:24:45 UTC  

In the end it really doesn't matter because we don't have the infrastructure in place to capitalize on their frustration to the degree that it's possible

2020-04-19 20:28:02 UTC  


2020-04-19 20:28:16 UTC  

The Clintons are sex traffickers

2020-04-19 20:28:25 UTC  

Ok grandma

2020-04-19 20:31:30 UTC  

@Drifter wheres your proof tthat the FBI killed King

2020-04-19 20:31:51 UTC  

why would they kill him too

2020-04-19 20:37:45 UTC  

Why do they kill kids?

2020-04-19 20:37:58 UTC  

I need answers snake

2020-04-19 20:39:27 UTC  

@TKAT was that a question for me/

2020-04-19 20:41:34 UTC  

For anyone

2020-04-19 20:43:05 UTC  

@JBlackjackP what happened to him

2020-04-19 20:43:19 UTC  

@Drifter what happened to him

2020-04-19 20:44:04 UTC  


2020-04-19 20:44:50 UTC  

@Drifter I forgot what he did though

2020-04-19 20:49:06 UTC  

@Drifter also i still need those links please

2020-04-19 20:49:31 UTC  


2020-04-19 20:49:44 UTC