Message from @clossington
Discord ID: 685984026183467149
kabbalist numerology?
considering how retarded mutts are...
Alright i gtg for now.
See yeah guys later.
>all the other royals?
what do you mean by that? better than all other monarchs? Bourbons? Christian monarchs? European monarchs?
so another mussolini?
he's a more successful mussolini...
I'm going to bet it was written by a white soycuck
my dad is an alcoholic atheist who does nothing but work, drink and watch tv,
i'm calling a no on this
stop noticing things!!!!!!444
t. />,
well catching it would make me a king
it's gonna get graphically downgraded like the witcher 3
calling it
gay tracing
Right cast?
finally some good news
Gypsies living in Romania aren't Romanian. nor are Gypsies living in Hungary Hungarians
either. they are fucking parasites
I propose shitting on the Right cast while he's deafened as a topic
he's gonna get back with truckloads of retarded sperging
11, one of the master numbers. irreducible.
11 is powerful
Speaking of women, my ex-girlfriend is actually messaging me right now after having a mood swing (I'm the one who broke up with her). I asked her to apologize and called her out after she continued her rant, and now I told her I'm done. Too much?
unmistakeable voice
Thanks for the reassuring words, Bobby. God bless. The situation has calmed down, but she is still somewhat moody.
The point is to be responsible then?
She's not my girlfriend. I broke up with her. Although I still think of her as a friend and value my partnership with her.
Why did you break up with her
I want to be able to do more in commitments. Become someone who can contribute to my family, my community, nation, culture, and God. It sounds naive, but that is what I want now more than anything.
Having a relationship, especially at my age and status (15 year old high schooler) gets in the way of that.