Message from @Techpriest of house Roundeye

Discord ID: 685657393807491078

2020-03-07 01:14:53 UTC  

Chlorine is a poor chemical agent to use in warfare

2020-03-07 01:15:07 UTC  

modern chemical weapons need maintinence to be effective

2020-03-07 01:15:13 UTC  

he used it against iranians and kurds with great effect

2020-03-07 01:15:17 UTC  

You need to alot maintain their delivery systems

2020-03-07 01:15:27 UTC  

Mustard Gas isn't Chlorine Gas

2020-03-07 01:15:31 UTC  

the iranians would beg to differ

2020-03-07 01:15:32 UTC  

He used mustard gas

2020-03-07 01:15:42 UTC  

I think Mustard Gas needs better infrastructure to make and maintain

2020-03-07 01:15:51 UTC  

It also expires

2020-03-07 01:15:52 UTC  

he used chlorene,mustard and tear gas

2020-03-07 01:15:55 UTC  

Mustard gas kinda sucks

2020-03-07 01:15:56 UTC  

against iran

2020-03-07 01:16:24 UTC  

How about not using gas in warfare

2020-03-07 01:16:37 UTC  

shut up germ
you re the one to talk

2020-03-07 01:16:56 UTC  

We didn't use it in the second one

2020-03-07 01:17:02 UTC

2020-03-07 01:17:03 UTC  


2020-03-07 01:17:09 UTC  

it was nerv and mustard gas

2020-03-07 01:17:11 UTC  

Ban all gas against germs
use shotguns against germans

2020-03-07 01:17:26 UTC  

Now where did Sadam get Tabun 🐙

2020-03-07 01:17:41 UTC  


2020-03-07 01:17:43 UTC  


2020-03-14 19:25:18 UTC  

@Endeavour You recently said the pandemic would have been a great opportunity for the dissident right to gain influence, if we had built infrastructure people would be jumping off the globohomo train and hopping on ours now. Can you elaborate on the kind of infrastructure we should be building and how and why it would attract outsiders?

2020-03-14 22:38:26 UTC  

@Fighting Gold We need organizations like interest groups, political parties, non-profits, and such. Organizations that provide leadership, funding, and act as an alternative to the establishment. Obviously, we couldn't have built this all ourselves since most of us are new to this realm of politics, but had serious work been done 10 years ago, I feel there'd have been a real opportunity right now. I'm not blaming anyone here. It's not like we can do this overnight. I recommend people donate to things like AmRen if your in America or PA if your in the UK. I hope we have a group together in Canada within the next few years. The goal is to provide an alternative voice of legitimacy. In a time like this when the establishment is discrediting itself, people would listen to alternatives.

2020-03-15 16:40:31 UTC  

@Endeavour Would a dissident right led nation state with a large amount of territory and resources become a superpower within 100-200 years simply due to the horrendous mismanagement of its neighbors?

2020-03-15 16:43:30 UTC  

probably not

2020-03-15 16:43:39 UTC  

its never a good idea to flatter yourself

2020-03-15 16:44:02 UTC  

if we were so extra efficent we would already be running things

2020-03-15 16:47:04 UTC  

@Skellington I attribute this to our youth

2020-03-15 16:48:04 UTC  


2020-03-15 16:48:12 UTC  

The end goal is the creation of a virgin state

2020-03-15 16:48:41 UTC  

A state that lacks an identity and is new enough that a well planned operation could cause us to get into the government

2020-03-15 16:48:59 UTC  

That void of an identity could be filled by us

2020-03-15 16:49:00 UTC  

and if so

2020-03-15 16:49:04 UTC  

it would be hard to subvert it

2020-03-15 17:21:32 UTC  

@21ooAB I think so. I tend to think one of the motivations behind the great replacement is that a certain state in the Middle East wants to eliminate the potential for a powerful European nation. They know that European ethnic consciousness is a threat so they'll suppress it at any cost. It is a dream and I don't think I'll live to see it, but if we win, yes I do think such a state would become a superpower.

2020-03-15 17:28:57 UTC  

instead of dreaming about some promised land it might be better to aim at making our home countries and communities more based

2020-03-15 17:32:14 UTC  

I think while there might be powerful forces at play that want the great replacement to happen. I think ultimately the reason for it is the consequence of liberalism. The Idea that we are all equal, loving your own is wrong, GDP over National Cohesion etc, all this makes people apathetic when people from less developed countries flood into rich countries which is a natural human thing to do they think they can get a better life here then where they come from. So when the natives start getting replaced noone thinks thats wrong cause of all the programming that moves through our society.

2020-03-15 17:46:09 UTC  

whatever causes egalitarianism -> egalitarianism -> democracy -> women voting -> destruction of traditional gender roles, low birthrates, a feminine motherly state -> apocalypse

2020-03-15 17:46:31 UTC  

my only question is what causes egalitarianism