Message from @Aktriaz

Discord ID: 498037623248388106

2018-10-06 03:23:32 UTC  

I am having a dillema... Chuck Grassley v Lesley Graham. Who is the bigger Chad?

2018-10-06 04:16:25 UTC  

Been thinking about this for half a minute. Why is authoritarianism so demonised? I'm fairly liberal but isn't it just enforcing laws and that? When people talk about authoritarianism they always seem to characterise it as enslavement. Someone controlling every aspect of your life but that's just the extreme version of it. Seems kinda like people are just only considering the most extreme examples of it and making that look like the norm. Is that not similar to someone saying that libertarians are all child molesters and serial murderers?

2018-10-06 04:29:33 UTC  

I think it's the context of the time we live in, where power in the USA is concentrated at the federal level instead of state, or EU instead of country. And how both the extreme left and the Richard Spencer types both seem to be horseshoeing around to being anti-free speech

2018-10-06 04:41:26 UTC  

Authoritarianism tilts towards tryanny and that's never a good thing. It's also not so easy to identify where reasonable authoritarism begins that tilt into tryanny. Humanity has a social nature and we're pretty well aware of that. If that nature, if left unchecked, leads societies to tilt into that tyranny. We know that humanity tilts to an extreme before things get too bad and then they need to be regined in again. So it's a survival strategy to fight against the authorian tilt into tyranny but we don't know that exact tipping point. So people try and demonize authoritarianism in totality to fight against that.

2018-10-06 04:48:05 UTC  

That's a good point. I reckon there's a healthy amount of authoritarianism that society needs but there is a tendency, especially in recent history, for it to go too far.

2018-10-06 04:49:49 UTC  

Society requires authoritarianism to function, individuals require libertarianism to function. Need a good mix of the two that doesn't tip to either of the extremes

2018-10-06 05:19:27 UTC  

the state is only a means to an end. its end and its purpose is tp preserve and promote a community of human beings who are physically as well as spiritually kindred. above all, it must preserve the existence of the race, there by providing the insdisenceble condition for the free development of all of the forces dormant it this race.
those states which do not serve this purpose have no justification for their existence.

as long as authoritarian state serves its purpose its not tyrannical by the definition.🤔

2018-10-06 06:21:37 UTC  

uhhh what

you make it sound like humans always had a "state". humans never needed any significant form of government for the vast majority of homo sapien's existence. we made do with "man with biggest hat" for the longest time

also, you don't seem to understand what tyranny means. a happy slave is still a slave.

2018-10-06 06:27:02 UTC  

though, that would be under the assumption that you are even happy with the ruling power.

say, do you know of anyone you would be 100% totally okay with utterly surrendering to? Someone you would obey without hesitation?

2018-10-06 06:27:13 UTC  

any one person

2018-10-06 06:28:03 UTC  

In the time before the post-enlightenment state you were subject to random spartans/visigoths/vandals/mongols/ottomans wiping out all the stuff you built

2018-10-06 06:28:22 UTC  

>white people

2018-10-06 06:55:34 UTC  

yeah most of the history we lived in tribes. which serves exact same purpose.
state is/*should* be extend of that.

`also, you don't seem to understand what tyranny means. a happy slave is still a slave.`
>there by providing the insdisenceble condition for the **free development of all of the forces dormant it this race.**

2018-10-06 06:56:35 UTC  

hitler was good leader.
but i admit finding one is hard.

2018-10-06 07:09:46 UTC  

"free development of all the forces dormant *in this race"
what does this even mean? is this some new age+altright nonesense now? you're using ">" as if I'm supposed to understand the word salad you make out to be an actual talking point

also, tribes are a poor model for large-scale human organization. you can make almost any system work with around 150 people. you could argue humans would be better off in such numbers, but that would probably make you an anprim.

it's not just finding _one_ good leader. he's one day going to expire, and you'll need a system to find another. how would you propose another _supreme leader_ be chosen?

2018-10-06 07:19:19 UTC  

Community leaders maybe taking on a role of what the priesthood used to. But with less kid touching.

2018-10-06 07:20:04 UTC  

Strong backbone of tradition allowing leaders to train the next generation.

2018-10-06 07:25:54 UTC  

would that work on a modern scale though? we're talking millions, if not billions of people.

we're talking about ONE man, ruling all these people. sure, in smaller communities one bad leader can be ousted in a single night, but one such a large scale, with entire mechanized military and peacekeeping (and a presumably unarmed civilian population, as is a given with authoritarian regimes). The only way you're getting rid of that guy is a "lucky accident" or a high-raking coup.

plus the church was never a nation state. at most it worked in tandem with royalty and nobility. they could govern small towns (to and extent) but not kingdoms and certainly not nations

2018-10-06 07:30:06 UTC  

Ah, I'm not sure about leaders on that scale yeah. Cults of personality are fragile anyway.

2018-10-06 07:40:47 UTC  

`the free development of all of the forces dormant it this race.`
what part you have problem of understanding?

it dont need to be absolute dictator who cant be voted out.
and its not just one person who makes all decisions.

and church is pretty good way of ruling. but current christianity is degraded to so low level that it doesnt even serve purpose anymore.

And youth programs to train and find new leaders.

2018-10-06 07:43:42 UTC  

first off, what do you mean by "dormant forces"?

I literally have no idea what you mean. The fact that you are oblivious as to why just shows how far gone you are

2018-10-06 07:44:46 UTC  

what are the "forces" dormant within me? am I secretly wizard, but da joos are holdin' me back with their damn jew hexes?

2018-10-06 07:44:58 UTC  

what even

2018-10-06 07:59:42 UTC  

Maybe he meant the matrix

2018-10-06 08:00:13 UTC  

state must allow us to develop to the technological and well every aspect of life and society as high level as we are capable of.

i dont understand how thats some how contriversal or anything.

2018-10-06 08:06:17 UTC  

and just look at current society. it degrading fast in to degenerates. and torwards white genocide rly...

2018-10-06 08:10:32 UTC  

barring technology, there is no way to properly scale society by "levels". such a method would be completely arbitrary to the one doing the scaling (you). technological advancement is the only real way to rate a society's "level".

have you heard of the Rat Paradise experiment?

2018-10-06 08:11:15 UTC  

I can sum it up if you haven't

2018-10-06 08:11:53 UTC  

yes i have.

2018-10-06 08:12:57 UTC  

prosperity leads to degeneration.

whatever utopia you have dreamed up will ultimately spawn the antithesis to itself.

2018-10-06 08:14:14 UTC  

have you heard about marxist subversion.
because thats exactly whats happening.

2018-10-06 08:15:04 UTC  

yuri bezmenov summs it up pretty well

2018-10-06 08:24:58 UTC  

yes, and if it wasn't marxist subversion it would be something else (probably identical or similar)

_probably some retarded ethnonats who'll end up buried by the same system they put into place_

same shit, different pile. society will degenerate. it's just a matter of when, how slowly, and who'll burn it all down, and who'll off the guy who burned it down and then establish something that might be good or bad. the human struggle continues.

...ah, my nihilist misanthropy is getting the better of me.

say, what are your thoughts on genetically engineered superhumans? if your ethnostate somehow manages an authoritarian system but with untamed scientific advancement, it is a logical conclusion that someone would eventually try to improve upon the creature called Man.

would you bow before this new race of superhumans, or cling to the mythos of the white race?

2018-10-06 08:40:39 UTC  

thats kind of the reason you need authoritarian state. to stop that subversion.
in "liberal" society there is no ways for stopping it.

ethnonats want to healthier society and continue their race.

*black pills are bad mkey*

interesting question.
do you mean cyborg kind of stuff
or genetic manipulation.
if its genetic. it would be essentially same genes. but just weed out bad genetic mutations. like genetic diseases.
but that can get out of hands pretty easily...

2018-10-06 08:47:16 UTC  

Not cyborgs, but I'll admit I was being unfairly vague.

lets go with the unobvious versions.

a built-from-scrap human. lab created cells, grown in a vat, into a creature that is human by all means but genetic.

2018-10-06 08:52:28 UTC  

that would make them new race of people.
and there for not my people nor my race. so ofc i wouldnt allow that.

2018-10-06 08:56:50 UTC  

hmm, interesting. say, at what point would it become a new race?

say, if 50% of the cells in the body were designer cells, but the rest are natural?

2018-10-06 08:57:16 UTC  

where would you draw the line?

2018-10-06 09:06:37 UTC  

we share like 97% of genes with bigs.
but i get what you mean. its actually almost same question as now with immigration and "what is white" debates.

genetic differece is measured in Fixation index (FST)
like for example largest distance between europeans is 0.0667 FST
and distacne between europeans and africans is 0.23 FST

but basically thats just paradox called "loki's wager".

2018-10-06 09:07:47 UTC  

But the genetic different couldnt be that big. before it becomes different race.

2018-10-06 13:49:27 UTC  

Yo, your country is so fucked