Message from @Blackhawk342

Discord ID: 498769781231583233

2018-10-08 00:15:03 UTC  

That's the calculus. But you have to account for the other side: either you turn over the supreme court or line up for the next fight. The left has, at this point, designed itself from the ground up for vicious activism at any and all opportunity. They'll be enraged no matter what you do to oppose them.

2018-10-08 00:15:25 UTC  

Yup. Never back down from the outrage mob.

2018-10-08 00:15:44 UTC  

No matter what you do they will never be happy.

2018-10-08 00:15:57 UTC  

That’s the point of them being a mob.

2018-10-08 00:16:03 UTC  

>Make Left Less Polarized

2018-10-08 00:16:08 UTC  

then again

2018-10-08 00:16:19 UTC  


2018-10-08 00:16:36 UTC  

their engagment and attacks are going to be like a glass cannon

2018-10-08 00:16:51 UTC  

strong but will shatter and collapse on it self

2018-10-08 00:16:53 UTC  

The winning strategy is don’t back down and don’t stoop to their level.

2018-10-08 00:16:57 UTC  

You have to realize. We have an entire class of "community organizers" that exist just to get people together to protest.

2018-10-08 00:17:09 UTC  

They'll find something to get angry about.

2018-10-08 00:31:25 UTC  

According to independent organizations, Brett's history is actually further left than the person he replaces. @pratel

2018-10-08 00:31:56 UTC  

Yeah, that's why they picked him. He's a moderate compared to the people they were looking at.

2018-10-08 00:32:44 UTC  

So to those who say he polarizes the scotus lineup just believe the fake news media

2018-10-08 00:39:04 UTC  

@Blue Gale Quite frankly I think the plan of "do the thing you are going to do, ignore the 10% of the crazy fucks who are #resist and just make them constantly enraged." It will overwhelm them eventually and we will end up with the resistance in padded rooms.

2018-10-08 00:45:33 UTC  

Yeah and I get that

2018-10-08 08:12:14 UTC  

Exhaustion is a thing

2018-10-08 08:12:34 UTC  

Compensating people for their fines only works for so long

2018-10-08 08:12:48 UTC  

eventually theyll have to be paid to keep doing these protests

2018-10-08 08:13:02 UTC  

Cant keep taking time off from work to protest every single thing that trump does

2018-10-08 11:59:48 UTC  

and they been doing that exact thing..for 2 years now

2018-10-08 12:00:32 UTC  

That is one of the Rules for Radicals from the book of the same name IIRC, Overwhelm the system.

2018-10-08 12:02:36 UTC  

it would be a possibly good plan if he were to have fully committed to it.

2018-10-08 13:53:41 UTC  

The problem thus far has been that the republicans and democrats have been playing the game very differently for some time... and there has been a misunderstanding especially amongst republicans that this is the case.

What we saw with this USSC nom was another reminder that they don't play the same way and that the republicans are frequently surprised by it.

This endless Alinskism is just another aspect of it.

They're going to use whatever advantage they have in the media or any other institution they have some control over. They're going to say anything. They're going to try and stir up racial, gender, religious, and ethic hatred against anyone that stands against them and then conflate that with obtaining their own power and conflate all issues with their ideology.

It will not stop until the Republicans stop acting like "reactionaries" which is to say, dealing with every issue in isolation as if there is no precedence for it. Every time one of these things happens, the republicans act surprised. Various political allies of the republicans are engaging in little defensive moves against DNC aggression and there is very little coordination between the Republicans. They frequently fight alone. And whilst that is happening, the DNC is coordinated, their groups all work together, they have a plan, they attack... they often lose but you can't win if you only defend. You can win if you attack. And if the GOP always sits on the defensive, then losing is unavoidable.

This is why the Democrats hated Reagan and Trump so much. Whatever you think of their differences, they share one thing in common. They attack their political opposition directly at their ideological base. They go after strategic goals.

They try to win. That is why these men are hated. Because they try to win. Once the opposition to the Democrats TRIES to win... plays strategically... coordinates... plots to bait their rivals as their rivals plot to bait them....

2018-10-08 13:56:32 UTC  

Only then will the DNC behave themselves a bit more. Because nothing gets a rival to respect you like the knowledge that they can defend themselves. Right now, the RNC looks weak to the DNC. It doesn't defend itself effectively and it doesn't play strategically. It just reacts most of the time. You can't win if you're just reactive.

2018-10-08 13:56:57 UTC  

@TheDogOfSinope My only rebuttal is this. The only way to win this game being run by democrats is to not play it

2018-10-08 13:57:31 UTC  

@oprahsminge That's War Games and nuclear weapons.

Not applicable to politics in a republic.

2018-10-08 13:57:41 UTC  

Sure seems to be applicable

2018-10-08 13:58:03 UTC  

well, doing these things doesn't flatten cities or cause the extinction of species...

2018-10-08 13:58:10 UTC  

One is not sustainable and the other is

2018-10-08 13:58:25 UTC  

so, I would respectfully argue that they are not the same.

2018-10-08 13:58:42 UTC  

Your position is in my opinion fatally hyperbolic.

2018-10-08 13:58:50 UTC  

I only hold this opinion when one side is playing as though it IS a nuclear conflict

2018-10-08 13:59:03 UTC  

a proverbial one of course

2018-10-08 13:59:09 UTC  

Please make a less extreme analogy that more crediably fits this argument.

2018-10-08 13:59:34 UTC  

I personally can't take the argument seriously in this form.

2018-10-08 13:59:43 UTC  

That's unfortunate

2018-10-08 14:00:05 UTC  

I could respond with something equally hyperbolic in the other direction that you also wouldn't accept?

2018-10-08 14:00:14 UTC  

accept or be willing to debate?

2018-10-08 14:00:21 UTC  

accept is a bit of a loaded term