Message from @DrYuriMom

Discord ID: 508818839367188480

2018-11-05 01:35:27 UTC  

Saying that anchor babies are fine is blatantly ignoring their writing

2018-11-05 01:35:38 UTC  

But with birth they are explicitly clear.

2018-11-05 01:36:01 UTC  

And they explicitly said that there are exceptions

2018-11-05 01:36:22 UTC  

You miss the Intent of the Text, wich is important. Justicar says that at the end of the Video

2018-11-05 01:36:30 UTC  

For naturalization, not birth. The only exception to birth are those not under our jurisdiction.

2018-11-05 01:37:11 UTC  

And you're making post hoc justifications for illegals being subject to our jurisdiction.

2018-11-05 01:37:46 UTC  

@DrWittMDPhD , I'm not "blatantly ignoring" anything that hasn't been "ignored" for 150 years. With that much precedent I'm not sure if it's "ignoring" or if it simply isn't there.

2018-11-05 01:38:05 UTC  

Yes, all that precedent is unconstitutional

2018-11-05 01:38:58 UTC  

Only if you essentially ignore the 14th amendment which says that anyone born here and subject to our laws is a citizen.

2018-11-05 01:40:21 UTC  

The gal of this cat. Saying that I'm the one ignoring the 14th amendment when it clearly mentions that the people have to be subject to the jurisdiction of the US. The argument here is about jurisdiction, not that everyone born here is a citizen

2018-11-05 01:40:42 UTC  

We are **supposed** to be arguing about who falls under this jurisdiction.

2018-11-05 01:41:03 UTC  

Can you prosecute an illegal alien for murder?

2018-11-05 01:41:21 UTC  

In other words: Babys born to US Soldiers in Germany, Japan and Honolulu are not US Citizens, right @DrYuriMom

2018-11-05 01:41:45 UTC  

We're supposed to send them to their country when they commit crimes on our soil. We Extradite them.

2018-11-05 01:42:20 UTC  

we actually do routinely deport murderers

2018-11-05 01:42:20 UTC  

@DrWittMDPhD , if we ratify a treaty with a country that grants all their nationals immunity to our laws then I totally agree with you.

2018-11-05 01:42:51 UTC  

Not being allowed to murder in the US while not being a citizen isn't the only thing that makes someone under the jurisdiction of the US

2018-11-05 01:43:03 UTC  

You are being super reductionist

2018-11-05 01:43:07 UTC  

Stefan, actually babies born in hospitals in other countries have to be naturalized, even if one parent is in the military

2018-11-05 01:43:28 UTC  

If they are born in military hospitals there are laws that make this automatic

2018-11-05 01:44:24 UTC  

I am simply, saying if they are under our jurisdiction, if they can be prosecuted, they are born a citizen if born here

2018-11-05 01:45:28 UTC  

That's not what Jurisdiction means here. That's a colloquial definition of jurisdiction you're applying to this argument.

2018-11-05 01:45:43 UTC  

The congress can make laws related to naturalization. they can make laws regarding the territories. But in the United States, any one of the 50 states, then the 14th Amendment in its purest form applies.

2018-11-05 01:47:02 UTC  

And again, the Congress can ratify a treaty and they can declare war. There are lots of legal ways to do this. I'm just against bending the Constitution into a pretzel to serve a vogue idea, even one I have some sympathy to.

2018-11-05 01:47:19 UTC  

The bottom line, deal with the border

2018-11-05 01:47:28 UTC  

What jurisiction does the US have over Illegal Aliens? Can they take in their Driver's License? Can they take in their Passports??

2018-11-05 01:47:44 UTC  

This *is* dealing with the border.

2018-11-05 01:48:01 UTC  

Passports only go to citizens. Not even green cards get passports.

2018-11-05 01:48:23 UTC  

There is not going to be any law passed by congress regarding the wall, or border control, or citizenship, or anything constructive at all ever.

2018-11-05 01:48:29 UTC  

Ergo not subject to US Juristiction

2018-11-05 01:48:47 UTC  

We have the jurisdiction to prosecute them for crimes beyond just deporting them. We claim jurisdiction to tax them. We apparently have them sign up for selective service.

2018-11-05 01:49:11 UTC  

They are not going to pass any laws that help the situation because the democrats **want** a bazillion illegals here, so they can give them citizenship and have a permanent majority. Total power for all time. They are not going to do any legislative action to prevent that ever.

2018-11-05 01:49:15 UTC  

Someone doesn;t need to have a passport to be subject to the law

2018-11-05 01:49:29 UTC  

One of the framers of the 14th, Senator Jacob Howard said that
"This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States."

2018-11-05 01:49:47 UTC  

That's so cut and dry that it's obvious that this shit is unconstitutional

2018-11-05 01:49:59 UTC  

There is much debate about the comma after "aliens,". It's not supposed to be there.

2018-11-05 01:50:02 UTC  

So forcing the SCOTUS to rule on this is the only way anything positive is ever going to happen. Legislation is not forthcoming, ever.

2018-11-05 01:50:27 UTC  

Okay lets take the comma out.

2018-11-05 01:50:40 UTC  


2018-11-05 01:50:50 UTC  

Perhaps, but the founding fathers said this should be handled by the Congress and the states. It is a miscarriage of their intent not to yield to the legislative branch.

2018-11-05 01:51:27 UTC  

I'm pretty sure the founding fathers weren't oaky with rogue states passing legislature that is unconstitutonal