Message from @SinOfDrip
Discord ID: 691412089327059004
checkmate lobtard
Hitler was liberal?
@SinOfDrip yeah
In what sense?
hitler was the real libtard
You must to learn history better
He wasn't a socialist
He was liberal
Define liberal
It's just name of party national-socialists
You do realise he was totalitarian?
He wasn't
He had political opponents purged
Harvey Weinstein got the coronavirus
He was not a liberal
@JesusHand can you ban that blind dumb
@Dagrad you talking about me
@SinOfDrip i'm yellow
@SinOfDrip yes
It's my stupid Facebook profile (swear to God I thought I changed it)
Are you a Hebrew israelite? @kameronscott33
@SinOfDrip i'm Korean I like kpop
The reason I'm asking is because I was told about a Hebrew in this server lol
And what's fucked up is my Facebook account got deleted even though the last time I was on it was 2 years before it got deactivated
And no @SinOfDrip, I don't associate myself with the Hebrew Israelites
I am a Baptist
Lol I removed all the images on my facebook years back
I'm jewish @kameronscott33
I regret making it
Are you a strong believer?
@Dagrad no Hebrew Israelites are African Americans who believe they are the superior religion
@kameronscott33 I know
@SinOfDrip despite having not been to church in a few months, yes, I am a strong believer in God
Oh ok
@kameronscott33 gay
But I'm glad people still have hope
@kameronscott33 you must to go in boring church, stupid believer
@Dagrad j haven't been to church in a few months