Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 544299067208105986

2019-02-10 23:17:00 UTC  

now lets say you are business man with a billion dollar company, but you dont have a billion dollars you get paid more than the workers in the company, how would you feel if the government said hay you have to give the money you earned from your paycheck to the people who dont have jobs, how would you feel?

2019-02-10 23:17:52 UTC  

remember you dont have billion dollars but the company has, and you get paid higher than any of your workers

2019-02-10 23:18:57 UTC  

stop stealing my points

2019-02-10 23:19:25 UTC  

I was going to say that but you said but now Im saying it

2019-02-10 23:20:07 UTC  

@Deleted User also you say we should break the 1st and 2nd amendment how on earth are you a fucking american

2019-02-10 23:20:20 UTC  

get the fuck out of america and go live in china or russia

2019-02-10 23:20:35 UTC  

the constitution will never be broken

2019-02-10 23:20:48 UTC  

or abolished

2019-02-10 23:20:55 UTC  

it what makes america it is

2019-02-10 23:22:02 UTC  

if you want to break the amendments then you be put in jail or leave america

2019-02-10 23:22:39 UTC  

socialism will never be america because america is unique

2019-02-10 23:22:50 UTC  

people should earn money not be given

2019-02-10 23:23:00 UTC  

people should not be forced to give money

2019-02-10 23:23:37 UTC  

socialism will break the economy

2019-02-10 23:23:46 UTC  

the economy now is great

2019-02-10 23:24:08 UTC  

you can kiss your socialism goodbye

2019-02-10 23:26:08 UTC  

you probably dont even know how capitalism works

2019-02-10 23:26:36 UTC  

two words: consumers and producers

2019-02-10 23:30:05 UTC  


2019-02-10 23:30:08 UTC  

bro please

2019-02-10 23:30:10 UTC  

he's canadian

2019-02-10 23:31:13 UTC  

you're literally hurting the right side of politics with your incompetence

2019-02-10 23:31:23 UTC  

you just spit out points with no evidence or how it relates to anything

2019-02-10 23:31:47 UTC  

same with you

2019-02-10 23:31:58 UTC  

how so

2019-02-10 23:32:21 UTC  

you didnt provide any evidence on what you said

2019-02-10 23:32:39 UTC  

i literally explained how shit works

2019-02-10 23:32:46 UTC  


2019-02-10 23:32:53 UTC  

on how shit works

2019-02-10 23:32:59 UTC  

you want evidence?

2019-02-10 23:33:08 UTC  

Im saying you didnt provide it

2019-02-10 23:33:15 UTC  


2019-02-10 23:33:45 UTC  

after becoming rich off of ikea, ikea's founder left sweden due to the fact he was being unfairly taxed for being rich since he has alot of money

2019-02-10 23:34:00 UTC  

which proves my point of the businesses and business owners will leave countries

2019-02-10 23:34:05 UTC  

once the taxes get too high

2019-02-10 23:34:15 UTC  


2019-02-10 23:34:18 UTC  

are unfair taxes

2019-02-10 23:34:19 UTC  

"go live in china or russia" wtf dipshit

2019-02-10 23:34:22 UTC  

why are you providing it now you shouldve provided it when you were talking to the other dude

2019-02-10 23:34:28 UTC  

"if you like rebels so much go live in alderaan"