Message from @Omen
Discord ID: 598670580002062343
@GoldenPirate#8852 watch out mr blue will silence you
Okay guys tomorrow
At 7:30 serious talk about
Democrats candidate
And etc
Check out the new Calibra beta testers program and earn for join!
So which one of you is a liberal californian
Ur a liberal texan
hell no
Never in my life will I ever be one
California outta be starved of federal fundings and taxes. Using citizens tax money to provide free healthcare to illegals that fit the same demographic of age as the masses in the caravan just shows that Gavin wants more illegal votes. Whoever supports this outta get the hell out of the USA and go live in Mexico since they want California to be Mexico again so badly.
bye techpriest
Despite making up 13% of the population
Californians contribute more than 50% to the total of federal welfare contributions
And they deserve martial law for catering to that population. It is reaching close to being a foreign state. And with you chicken heads calling for assasination? Please. Enemy state. And californias contribution is a round house cycle of federal loans cause it cannot keep itself disease free or even wildfire free due to bad politicians. There was even a recent suggestion to drop 1.5 tons of rat poison in North California to kill the mice population for the ashly storm bird, which was only at risk cause of Barn Owls. But, your leaders are so dumb and impulsive that they think nuking a place with rat poison will not affect the ecosystem when it does, despite california supposedly claiming to be environmentally conscious and still at the top of most polluted air with the most spending cause you guys cant figure out your public transportation system. Need I say more of Californias idiocy and so called claim of being a big economy when you cant even extend the same healthcare to our homeless population that are LEGAL citizens and not these disease ridden rats you call people when all they are are vote numbers. P a t h e t i c and p e t t y.
Legal citizens that want to do drugs stay homeless
Simple as
Fentanyl carrying motherfuckers
Man just dont do drugs
When legal citizens are that corruptible
Yall legalized weed but STILL want that hard shit
Nah something must be in your water
Just don’t do drugs in general
For to be that dumb
Based edwin
Always follow the law
Extremely redpilled
Thank you
Hiss is seething butthurt
Get high off Jesus Christ
Ooo strawman
The good ol left wing tactic
No problem
I don’t understand how this is serious
Lemme speak ur level of iq