Message from @𒉣௩Лट१𒄭᠘᠘
Discord ID: 625366340483416074
It shoah
these servers fr got some funny guys
this guy caused a 5 day long flamewar in the chat for being a fat autistic nazi furry obese tranny cross dresser
actual pic lmao
no memes
Are these people alright?
They are very mentally ill
Ye man
can confirm that is how it works
Based and Azov pilled
they have been rising in power level for a while
Uh oh
I remember hearing about this Ukrainian kid who murdered a couple people and he was obsessed with them
From what I've heard Azov has glow nigger written all over it
So just watch out
Is that how the 3 is pronounced?
That’s fucking weird
It's Азов actually
But yes, the 3 looking thing is a z
I wrote it in Cyrillic motherfuka
But al caps
Ah ok
My bad
>there’s literally no difference except for Unicode
Who that
The coomer
He's unironically reviewed close to 10k pornos on IMDb
What the fuck
What a legend