Message from @Imp
Discord ID: 626111958298394675
ahh i see
whites are prone to guilt because they are more empathetic so (((they))) take a different approach
found it from this thread
based schizos
Throw chocolate kids at the sun?
Fucking faggots
Keep spray painting this shit on my street
tell them to stop playing into the hands of the technocrats
tell them to look into eco fascism
Your big words are no match for my God-given autism!
use it wisely
with great autism comes poor social skills
That's why I get scared when I order food
So I'm going to go and order a kebab and an ice cream and no one can stop me
What kind of fake zoomer lingo is that?
fascism thats good for the environment essentially
That looks rank
Shut up retard
So stunning
So brave
Yeah but
She probably already spent all her money on her kid
gotta hate em
No way josé
- Bobby Fischer
He's based
He said 9/11 was an inside job immediately after it happened