Message from @Sonnenrad
Discord ID: 626061284051255325
being lonely is obviously shit since humans arent supposed to be loners
but yea doesnt really matter ur sexuality but alot of the time its straight people who think gay dating has better chance for them
It usually doesn’t end up better
Straightoids treat sex as a status thing
And PIV sucks
Or atleast they suck at it
Hooking up is easier
If you care about sex that much your probably low iq
But dating and having a life long partner is harder if your gay
Good image <:retard2:609492007076888586>
imagine the smell
😤 me inhaling the fragrances of the room
I just said kek unironically fuckin kill me
Here's an updoot
the contribute less economically
and blacks have larger families
could it be that whites are being psyops'd out of existence?
Because abortion clinics already cater to blax specifically
ahh i see
whites are prone to guilt because they are more empathetic so (((they))) take a different approach
found it from this thread
based schizos
Throw chocolate kids at the sun?
Fucking faggots
Keep spray painting this shit on my street
tell them to stop playing into the hands of the technocrats
tell them to look into eco fascism