Message from @pay to free - VA
Discord ID: 298613965133447168
We've come back from bigger trials.
Reminder to anyone in here in the Puget Sound area to send me a DM. We need to meet you.
eastern europeans are already fighting back look at poland
6 months ago i discovered pngs work in discord
slavs arent really comparable to the rest of europe imo
i think eastern europe is gonna fight more than germany
The eternal Anglo will return. None can stop our desire to fuck up whatever plans germany has
all the good germans died in the war
russians have been killing chechen migrants on the streets for decades
this video is beautiful
theyre not gonna get cucked
The eternal godamned Anglo.
death to the west but ill cry if you dont let me rape your girls
could this video be used to recruit
Tfw Eternal Anglo
@skeleton-jelly Not every well, most people don't respond positively to this stuff.
and rape alot of people
it pumps me up
Yeah, it's a little too redpilled from the get go.
You want to ease them in.
Ask slow and meaningful questions and use their answers to prove that logically they should support X if they support all components of X
i heard that alot of campus study abroad trips are being cancelled to europe because the migrants are too dangerous
there will be a war to take back europe from the caliphate
I redpilled a guy the other day on protection of white cultural heritage. Get them talking about how the white-man stole other people's cultures, double down on how awful it was and how every culture should be free to protect their identity and offspring.
*okay guys not that anything bad is happening in Europe, but we're going to cancel all trips abroad this year*
*what do you mean last night in sweden*
*in other news, sweden is getting like sooo diverse*
Then boom, a little push and they realize the same rules apply to whites.
*well maybe if you dont want to be raped dont go outside duh*
Happy birthday
Hap birf
happy birfd
hp buorfgh