Message from @robin
Discord ID: 679503220179206144
before @rogalik teeeelll me if
do u expect surprises atpresidential elections
>komorowski couldnt hide that he was po / mr hat has a worse *version of this*
>surprise candidates (BIEDRON/*hollow*nia) could feeeed the rival (like kukiz've did)
@rogalik gn
@rogalik dont be a dick, don't go to sleep before answering @violetvenomkiss
*criminals are humans and we neeed to be kind towards theeem*
@Hartseer mexishills are striving to be more retarded
@impertinence can u translate this
>i dont have a cyliric keyboard
left : abroad, right: homeland
od @impertinence whatcha think
coz as i've read its
*hey we're aliens dont sue us*
Now Playing: Who Asked (Feat: Nobody Did)
◄◄⠀▐▐⠀►► 𝟸:𝟷𝟾 / 𝟹:𝟻𝟼⠀───○ 🔊
>la hora del gato (torch songs coz im deppressed again
y!workers buy
⚒ | You hired a **basic goblin fisher**! (+200 silver/day, 5 luck, 2 energy)
y! guild
Clown world le honk honk
@violetvenomkiss dite straits say "faggot" in one of their songs
Whatcha think about that
gave it
ill write somethin in defense of jedraszewski
*if someone were paying me for acting like as if i've tourette syndrome... i'll be so happy*
I dont know what any of that means
No dont explain it
Idc lol