Message from @AmericanFuturist (Man Redefined)

Discord ID: 689591658223894548

2020-01-29 15:48:19 UTC  

Didn't exactly go as planned I see

2020-01-29 16:10:52 UTC  

I'm not sure why they tried to work with ancoms and kek people

2020-02-08 03:12:34 UTC

2020-02-09 17:47:38 UTC

2020-02-14 20:41:05 UTC  

Made this in class today

2020-02-19 06:16:33 UTC

2020-02-25 20:10:27 UTC

2020-02-27 19:44:12 UTC

2020-02-27 19:44:35 UTC

2020-02-27 20:40:45 UTC  


2020-02-27 23:20:11 UTC

2020-02-27 23:20:17 UTC

2020-02-27 23:20:21 UTC

2020-02-27 23:20:29 UTC

2020-02-27 23:20:40 UTC

2020-03-13 20:36:27 UTC

2020-03-14 00:23:38 UTC

2020-03-17 06:32:25 UTC  

My Pan Nationalist Dream

2020-03-17 12:58:38 UTC  

That’s based but I personally prefer Eurasia (Russia and some middle eastern and Asian countries) and have Western Europe be its own pan nationalist state

2020-03-17 21:51:03 UTC  

I got bored so I made an Alternate History map

2020-03-18 00:14:41 UTC  

Fuck California

2020-03-18 00:17:25 UTC  

At least current California anyway

2020-03-18 03:10:34 UTC  

Fuck California entirely

2020-03-18 03:10:54 UTC  

May Allah continue the destruction of California

2020-03-18 03:12:27 UTC  

Is this the universe were socialism and fascism take over the world

2020-03-18 03:27:05 UTC  

A good chunk of the world yes, but theres still liberal capitalism in the form of the United Kingdom of Canada (British government in exile) and her subjects in Australia and New Zealand. South Africa and Brazil are Liberal Capitalist as well. @csd 13

2020-03-18 03:28:48 UTC  

It's a long story pretty much, I took some things from Kaiserreich and Alt Kaiserreich (Deviantart) and basically developed it more if Fascism basically became a thing regardless of Germany's victory in WW1 and that the world became grimdark along the way due to various factors.

2020-03-18 03:32:58 UTC  

Seems pretty cool

2020-03-18 03:40:14 UTC  

In case your wondering, those red spots in Africa are German colonies. Adolf Stalin may like this, Agarian Socialism in this setting is spearheaded by Pol Pot and obtains some form of success. Also after the Kalterkrieg in 1993, Russia becomes Liberal Capitalist for a year under Yeltsin until a coup by Putin who rules until Dugin has own coup and founds Eurasia under Ugern Von Sternberg's ideals. Ugern Von Sternberg was the instigator of the 2nd Weltkrieg as he was trying to be Gengis Khan but fails, regardless though he has major influence with far right movements.

2020-03-18 03:40:40 UTC  

That's epic

2020-03-18 03:41:37 UTC  

It's alot of material, I'll probably make a Google Drive for this stuff and/or even make a video of it if people here are interested.

2020-03-18 03:41:38 UTC  

Can we have Brazil be taken over by the integralist

2020-03-18 03:41:48 UTC  
2020-03-18 03:42:44 UTC  

Integralists have an alliance with the Liberal Capitalists against the Communists but eventually the Integralists will take over due to increased Communist activity.

2020-03-18 03:44:50 UTC  

Keep in mind though even though this is alternate history, I do try to keep things at least somewhat correct as much as I can but ultimately it is at the end of the day more of a Alt Historical Fiction. @csd 13

2020-03-18 04:00:22 UTC  

I written most of this in a timeline format, but it's more detailed than a typical 1-2 sentence timelines. I'm at the the 1948 point in this timeline, those things post 1948 I told you are already in place as ideas that I think would likely happen.

2020-03-18 04:01:40 UTC  

Seems pretty cool

2020-03-18 04:03:47 UTC  

I probably would do this in Google Drive format first, a video at this point, I don't think I'm ready for that especially since I have my Exploring Futurism series that I'm still working on, while also doing my own research on Marxism and Accelerationism furthering my understanding of those two ideologies.

2020-03-18 04:05:46 UTC  

Take your time on it

2020-03-18 04:09:24 UTC  

What does the server think of this alternate history thing ?

I think this would encourage people here to be creative and post their own stuff, basically developing a subculture which would grow overtime.