Message from @csd 13

Discord ID: 635262691404939275

2019-10-09 21:56:01 UTC  

have fun reading all of it lul

2019-10-09 21:56:11 UTC  

`Gabrielleite invited me` same lul

2019-10-12 18:26:59 UTC  

Ay ay ay where do I start

2019-10-12 18:30:24 UTC  

Answer the questions

2019-10-12 18:31:07 UTC  

Dm your answers to me if you that is preferable

2019-10-17 18:46:52 UTC  

1. I was invited by the user Scripted Python.

2. I'm 18 years old.

3. My parents are from Italy, but i currently live in Germany.

4. Never read the book, so I can barely say something about it.

5. You can't treat humans equally, because we aren't equal. I understand something like equality in front of the court, but even here you can't treat everyone equally to eachother.
I would define myself as Italian Fascist/Corporatist. It's basically the classical hierarchical fascist order of the State, where the the government, the economy and society are formed like a singular body, to protect itself from alien interests and only for work for the state, never outside the state and never against the state. Okay, details are now difficult, so I like the socioeconomic system of fascist Italy, where the (national) union, capitalists and representatives of consumers had worked together to plan the Italian economic system and have also financed social projects, such as gymnastics etc. Also the whole model of mythical culturalism and some futurist aspects made this whole era a unique one. This system destroyed the struggle between classes, has helped Italy out of its crisis and also renewed it completely with its new social programs like universal Healthcare and tax advantages for big families etc.

6. I think alt-right is a hard term, I understand alt-right as a "cool right-wing" movement. A bit modern but with tendencies to race realism but also libertarian minarchism. I define fascism as the national order, where every aspect within the national works with eachother like a singular body against foreign interests. I define fascism as equal to corporatism.

2019-10-17 18:46:55 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:46:58 UTC  

7. Hm. I'm interested in concepts like national syndicalism or legionarianism. Let's see, I think since like five years I got a high interest in politics.

8. Liberal in sense of economic liberalism or leftists? It depends in which situation. In general I would help everyone, as long he is not a threat to me and my nation.

9. A corporatist state with a strong national consciousness and strong christian believe. Very social conservative where everyone in the nation find its place to help our people. I think it's the best system that could exist. Ofcourse i can't adapt the Fascist italian system 1x1, but we can inspire ourselves from this system.

10. I see popculture as something created by corporations to serve the hedonistic consumerism of our society. Nearly all of our cultural values are based on consumerism. It's a status symbol, to wear the newest Jordans etc. or hear popular music - to buy it and consume it. Popculture is a product of the cultural industry.

11. Christianity

12. What is your opinion on marxs and Marxism?
I like marxist criticism on capitalism, but I don't like its solutions. Marx was a great thinker, but he was also a bit utopian in my opinion.

2019-10-17 18:47:32 UTC  


2019-10-19 23:20:15 UTC  

Boring, haven't even tried reading it
I do not really care about equality, i care about justice and that hierarchies are not imposed, but
accepted as part of a healthy society and a cornerstone of civilization. i'd say i have an affinity towards
technocracy and meritocracy, but i don't like vanguard elitism, because structural issues.
i believe in organic communities, that have solidarity and common values. The closest
i come to in terms of value is non-aligned movement, civic nationalism/social contractarianism for culture and council-communism for political structure, and market socialism with decentralized planning for economy (fourth positionist zizekian/europeean version of neo-china???)
I think trade, mutual aid and moderate borders are vital to peace, and unity.

2019-10-19 23:20:17 UTC  

Fascism is like liberalism and communism and *idea* most and foremost, not just an economic or political system,
it varies more from country to country, i don't think Hitler was a good rep of fascism, more so Mussolini and Mosley.
It's not altright, it's authoritarian and state-oriented at it's core, a strongly idealistic ideology. It's more rightwing in terms
of hierarchy
i think CCP is a good modern example of modern fascism, with it's strong nationalism, Confucianism one party corporate technocratic monopoly etc.

Dugins, fourth political theory, nick lands NRX, unconditional accelerationism. decentralized planning, cybernetics etc.
I've been into politics for around 8 years. multiple organizations.

I treat liberals and fascists equally. I criticise liberals for their faith in liberal democracy, especially people like Sam Harris and Steven pinker,
and i criticize some fascists for being too reactionary and anti-progress, especially how they deal with corruption and economic questions,
In regards to nationalization and protectionism. I agree with fascists a lot more on environmental questions, using state power,
liberals a lot more in regards to economics and peace, making finance highly decentralized and dependent on mutual aid.
I treat them in the way i think their stances correspond to and are in line with reality.

A world which highest value is embracing reality, acting in accordance to the law of contradiction,
in a hegelian sense. In essence, a progressive world that is based on understanding and embraces healthy
hierarchies, logic, act according material conditions and strive for collective wellbeing.
In short communitarianism.

2019-10-19 23:21:47 UTC  

It's pure ideology, nihilist hedonistic reproduction without any real sense of purpose.
art and aesthetics aside, the first world and upper class seem to value experience more
than logical consistency and something greater than themselves

2019-10-19 23:22:05 UTC  

there is a complete and utter lack of authenticity, and realism that disgusts me.

2019-10-19 23:22:15 UTC  

so i guess you could say i don't like it :))

2019-10-19 23:22:25 UTC  

11. agnostic

2019-10-19 23:23:26 UTC  

12. I adhere to post-marxist philosophy, i don't like the class reductionism of the 20th century,
or the vulgar materialism espoused by some marxists. i dislike essentialism, and post-modern
rejection of grand narratives

2019-10-19 23:25:07 UTC  

I still read marx and marxists more than any economists, but hegel is the true hero
in between the lines. i sometimes use the label libertarian marxism to describe my
political stance, but it misses the social aspect and the necessity of state power.

2019-10-19 23:26:23 UTC  

i don't like anarchism, and i don't like the soviet union. I think marx and hegel are some the
Most misunderstood philosophers and theorists of all time and, there is much to be learned
from their writings, and the writings inspired from them.

2019-10-19 23:27:19 UTC  

Gramsci and Pannekoek are my only real respectabe marxists, if you wanna count Zizek,
but in general i feel the original philsophy had a *lot* of shortcomings

2019-10-19 23:28:52 UTC  

I come here mainly to have my ideas challenged and i find fascists more interesting
than liberals. modern idpol, "socialism" and such doesn't interest me very much

2019-10-19 23:47:08 UTC  

@AngryTeapot#2020 your good welcome to the club

2019-10-24 17:37:05 UTC  

@Deleted User <@618938704840359957> @egasseM neddiH A <@636336824800903168> if yall want to get into the server do the vetting

2019-10-25 10:29:47 UTC  

There are in <#595480547011330056> <@636336824800903168>

2019-10-25 13:37:54 UTC  

@Deleted User answer the vetting question when u can

2019-10-25 15:37:06 UTC  

1. I was invited by @csd 13
2. 18
3. I’m from Iraq I live in the United States
4. I haven’t read the book and I don’t know much about it.
5. I think that equality is impossible to achieve instead we should focus on creating a fair and equitable society. My ideology is Ba’athism it is Arab socialist Arab nationalist, and pan-Arab ideology that promotes the development and creation of a unified Arab state through the leadership of a vanguard party over a progressive revolutionary government. The end goal is to create a enlightened Arab society and new Arab renaissance which is what the word “Ba’ath” means in Arabic.
6. I think alt-right is label used to describe any right wing tendency that is not “politically correct” and it is also a very broad term so I’d say that there are some fascists in the alt-right movement but not all of them are. I think fascism in a broad umbrella of ideologies that seek to achieve a national rebirth or renaissance through nationalism.
7. I’m interested in fascist and other third position ideologies and I’d like to learn more about them. I have been into politics for about 3 years now.
8. I would treat a liberal as someone who is unwillingly ignorant (brainwashed by mainstream ideologies). Depending on the Fascist tendency I’d either be indifferent to them, or I’d treat them as a friend.
9. In my ideal world the Arabs would be united under a single state.
10. I see modern day pop culture as an outcome of capitalism, consumerism and neoliberalism. It is used by corporations to enrich themselves rather than enriching culture itself, I think most aspects of it are degenerate.
11. Agnostic
12. I think Marx made an excellent critique of Capitalism. However I think that Marxism is too materialistic.

2019-10-25 15:37:35 UTC  

<@&589977740166430744> can you let me in?

2019-10-25 16:05:30 UTC  

@Deleted User yes your good

2019-10-28 22:21:47 UTC  

1. Where did you find us?
2. How old are you?
18 soon
3. What is your nationality?
4. How do you think about Siege?
5. What is your opinion on equality, what is your ideology and how do you define it?
God meant for hierarchies to exist; certain people have their place. I'm a monarchist/clerical fascist. I support many fascist movements but I am not a fan of Hitler or national socialism; I believe they were too modernist.
6. Is Fascism alt-right and explain why? Define Fascism.
Alt right is a meaningless umbrella term used to describe anyone with "extremist" beliefs that liberals find "hateful." Fascism is a worldview that is supposed to be about the universal truth.
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn, how long have you been with politics?
I want to learn more about reactionarism and monarchism. I have been into politics largely since I was about 13.
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?
In real life I would treat them both the same because generally I don't like to cause any issues because I'll look retarded. I may disagree with their ideologies but I don't want to cause any unnecessary fights.
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?
An ideal world for me would be a patriarchal, traditionalist world where morality was followed and traditions between different groups of people would be respected. This is because the multicultural world today has not worked at all and is causing a societal decay.
10. How do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why?
Secularism in the West has caused people to fall into nihilism, leading to hendonism.
11. What is your religion? Orthodox Christianity
12. What is your opinion on marxs and Marxism?
Marxism is way too materialistic. Some of the topics touched by Marx aren't entirely wrong but it overall isn't the right solution to capitalism.

2019-10-28 22:23:06 UTC  

@Deleted User I’ll let you in

2019-10-29 22:37:49 UTC  

1. Where did you find us?
The server Chief Administrator, Professor Giovanni Gentile send to me the invite link.
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work).
17 year's old.
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in).
I'm Brazilian, i live in The Federative Republic of Brazil.
4. How do you think about Siege?
I will read the book.
5. What is your opinion on equality, what is your ideology and how do you define it? (Make it detailed).
The equality is impossible, so we must focus in creating a fair and equitable society and country. My idelogy is National-Traditionalism, is a Christian Nationalism, who promotes the development and creation of a Brazilian Civilization throught the National Redemption and Redemption Leadership. The end goal is to free all latin countries from globalist prison and a latinean good era.
6. Is Fascism alt-right and explain why? Define Fascism.
No, fascism is third-positionist, the alt-right is a ''fake'' nationalism who try to unite liberals, ancap and others in a ''front'' and not a ideology like Fascism. Fascism is a ideology who want to achieve to each country their renaissance through nationalism, corporativism and a strong and capable leadership

2019-10-29 22:37:51 UTC  

7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn, how long have you been with politics?
I'm interested in Fascism, Nationalism, Traditionalism and Monarquism and i'd like to learn more about them. I have been into politics for about 5 years now
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?
I will treat a liberal like he deserves, because he is a ignorante who are brainwashed by globalists. I will treat a fascist (depending of tendency) as a friend or brother.
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?
In my ideal world the Christians will be Strong and Capable, and the Tradition will be the National Focus.
10. How do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why?
I see modern ''culture'' as an globalist product to try to destroy the Tradition, Christianity and Slave people.
11. What is your religion?
I'm Catolic Apostholic Roman.
12. What is your opinion on marxs and Marxism?
I think he made good critiques about Capitalism, but his hipocrisy and materialism i don't like

2019-10-29 22:38:00 UTC  

@csd 13 I can enter now?

2019-10-29 22:39:24 UTC  

@Deleted User I’ll let you in

2019-10-30 21:05:14 UTC  

1. The admin invited me

2019-10-30 21:05:17 UTC  

2. 22

2019-10-30 21:05:32 UTC  

3. Ethnic Russian currently living on US soil

2019-10-30 21:05:53 UTC  

4. Not a fan at all, to say the least

2019-10-30 21:07:31 UTC  

5. Equality is a false god- even the heavens have hierarchy, and this is a good and natural thing for civilization. I am an Absolute Monarchist, Imperialist, Distributionist, Reactionary, Mystic, Eurasianist, Buddhist

2019-10-30 21:09:29 UTC  

6. From what I understand, the Alt-Right are mostly just White Identitarians. To be a fascist you have to be in support of Third Positionist economics along with a whole lot of other ideological things- which doesn't fit the bill for alot of people in the Alt-Right as they can range from Libertarians who talk about the JQ to people like Atomwaffen

2019-10-30 21:10:24 UTC  

7. I'm not really interested in learning about any other political ideologies unless I'm debating someone- I got an invite because the server admin was looking for reactionaries

2019-10-30 21:11:05 UTC  

8. I mean, I'd much rather live in an Absolute Monarchy than Fascist state, but I'd rather live in a fascist state than a democracy and would rather live in a democracy than a Marxist state. Even if it means I get shoved in the oven for being a Slav who follows a "non-white" religion the rest of society would probably be better off (unless someone like Himmler writes me off as a "honorary Aryan" and lets me into his special occult club)