Message from @csd 13

Discord ID: 666096465189404693

2020-01-04 15:17:07 UTC  

Who’s your mate

2020-01-04 15:18:02 UTC  


2020-01-04 15:18:10 UTC  

Ok I’ll let you in

2020-01-04 17:00:25 UTC  

@Deleted User @dehgani1 @Deleted User if you guys want in answer the vetting questions

2020-01-04 22:59:36 UTC  

1. Where did you find us?

Lebigre sent me an invite.

2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work).

I am 19.

3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in).

I am French.

4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ?

I never read that book.

5. What is your opinion on equality?

Inequality is natural and it is impossible to abolish it completely. Although, I think that inequality should be used as a tool to pursue the common good by making the richest serving the national interests for example.

6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed)

I am Nationalist without any ideological adhesion. I am as opposed to liberalism and socialism.

7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics?

I am very interested in the ideological fundations of fascism and national-socialism, even if I have some disagreements with them. It's been two years that I am interested in politics.

8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?

Ideologically, I reject the first and discuss with the second. When I see them individually, if they don't threat on me I don't threat on them.

2020-01-04 22:59:41 UTC  

9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?

My ideal world would be kind of an anarchist society like Proudhon theorised it. But ideal and politics are not the same things, as Richelieu said : "Politics is making possible what is necessary".

10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why?

Nowadays popular culture is generally mediocre and I try to stay away from it as much as possible.

11. What is your religion?

I am deist, culturally catholic.

12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism?

Marx is interesting for its description of the functioning of the industrial capitalism but was wrong with his predictions.

13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist?

Race is important in the identity of a country, even if it needs the culture to elevate it. I am an ethnic nationalist.

14. What’s your opinion on imperialism?

As soon as imperialism serves my country interests and leaves local identities go their way, I don't have any problem with it.

15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically?

It depends by what do you mean by "work". I accept to talk with anyone who is open-minded and have interesting thinkings but I would not make politics with my political opponents that's obvious.

16. What are your thoughts on acclerationism? And if you support it what type of acclerationist would you consider yourself to be?

I think that accelerationism is necessary at some point, but I could not support it because it is against my moral values.

2020-01-04 23:42:36 UTC  

@Nils#3609 You can pass

2020-01-05 01:47:24 UTC  

1. iFunny but I used to be Coptic Kid and my acc got disabled
2. 13
3. USA
4. Haven’t read it but I don’t like neo nazism
5. Depends for who but racially I’m for it
6. Iron Guard fascism
7. I mostly just want to learn about fascism and monarchism I’ve been involved with politics for a couple months
8. Liberals and liberalism should end because it pushes our society towards satan, but fascists are cool
9. A world in which everyone has returned to Godly ways because God matters most and should be the center of our lives
10. I hate it because nobody wants to live a Godly life anymore, everyone just care about worldly pleasures
11. Eastern Orthodoxy
12. They sucked
13. Ethnic nationalist
14. Imperialism sucks because the people don’t want constant war and expansion
15. Yes depending on what ideology they are
16. I have no clue what accelerationism is

2020-01-05 01:47:59 UTC  


2020-01-05 16:06:07 UTC  

@ChristianConfed#2235 you know Coptic kid cringe

2020-01-05 16:06:52 UTC  

He is Coptic kid

2020-01-05 16:06:57 UTC  
2020-01-05 16:07:54 UTC  

Oh mega cringe

2020-01-05 16:10:44 UTC  

@csd 13 Who?

2020-01-05 16:11:01 UTC  

@csd 13 Who's coptic kid?

2020-01-06 01:41:41 UTC  

Yo yo it's everyone's favorite blue eyed Mexican

2020-01-09 01:25:06 UTC  
2020-01-10 03:05:11 UTC  


2020-01-11 06:01:15 UTC  

1 American fascist invited me, 2 22, 3 USA, 4 never read it, 5 I believe equality is false because there are innate differences that can’t be willed away though the state or socialism, 6 I don’t really have a formed ideology of my own, 7 I want to learn anything and everything that I can, and I’ve been with politics since 2011, 8 It depends on the personal point of view of the person but overall I would treat them both fairly, 9 a world were people were more kind and decent to each other because the world would be more peaceful, 10 I don’t really keep up to date on popular culture, 11 Orthodox catholicism, 12 I don’t have much knowledge of The philosophy or economic aspects of socialism Marxist or otherwise. 13, cultural nationalist 14, I am anti-imperialist 15, Yes 16, I don’t acclerationism

2020-01-11 06:46:49 UTC  

1. The owner
2. I am a 19 polish male Catholic. I believe greatly in the idea of the Liberation of the working class and I will be soon attending uni at Krakow
3. Polish and Poland
4. It's a book about accelerationism that has been demonized by people who don't understand it's content
5. Mostly bad with some good, depends on the situation
6. my idealogy is National Bolshevism for one, it would have socially Conservative elements but a left economy
7. My idealogy is Third Positionism more specifically, Falangist National Bolshevism with strasserist characteristics. All are represented in various aspects of my worldview and I have been involved in politics since I was 14
8. A liberal I mostly ignore but if they have something worth value to say like Jimmy dore then I listen. Same goes for Fascists
9. My ideal world is a worker's world where all the Captialists have been elimanted and Communists and Fascists work hand in hand to better the world. This is the ideal because it is what we strive for as both Communists and Fascists
10. It's a plastic excuse created by businessmen and Corporate elite. Because it's all so manufactured
11. Roman Catholicism
12. Marx had the right idea and Marxism is the most basic form of what we know now as communism, it is the skeleton to the body that is communism as a ideal
13. Ethnic Nationalist and race is very important to a culture
14. Wrong and morally reprehensible
15. Absolutely
16.I support the idea of accelerationism and I would consider myself to be a Foreign and domestic accelerationist

2020-01-13 01:49:32 UTC  

@Rashica <@610473072302227467> if yall want in answer vetting

2020-01-14 20:44:54 UTC  

@NezoGG @Rashica <@610473072302227467> answer vetting

2020-01-14 21:38:20 UTC  

@NezoGG are u a Nationalist

2020-01-16 23:34:30 UTC  

@Rashica <@610473072302227467> answer vetting or be kicked

2020-01-19 15:28:30 UTC  

1. Ummah server
2. 14 with a reading age of 16
3. British Citizen with Pakistani heritage
4. Never heard of it but will read in future
5. Equality for those who pose no harm to society is allowed. I oppose radical equality where criminals and innocents are treated the same.
6. I am on the Auth-right, as a conservative.
7. Right wing related ideologies, monarchism, fascism, etc.
8. A liberal seems no good to me, as they can change time to time in certain circumstances, but fascists have a certain plight that I can accept.
9. An ideal world where people have equality, the markets are controlled and everyone is free from communist oppression, and libertarian/liberal influences, and a traditionalist society should exist instead.
10. Popular culture is bad and it can be used for small greedy groups.
11. Twelver Shia Islam
12. Marx failed to understand the basics of life and he made a messed up ideology.
13. Nationalism is good but all races should be united under something to make the state functiom
14. Depends
15. If it increases knowledge and learning, sure.
16. If accelerationism makes society function better it will be good. Domestic.

2020-01-19 15:28:38 UTC  


2020-01-19 15:29:28 UTC  

If you could describe your ideology in one word what would it be?

2020-01-19 15:30:03 UTC  

Traditionalist Conservatism

2020-01-19 15:30:25 UTC  

Also probably wouldn’t recommend reading siege lol

2020-01-19 15:30:43 UTC  

aight thanks

2020-01-19 15:31:15 UTC  

@قاسِم#2675 don't read that book

2020-01-19 16:51:17 UTC  

@Meyber @Ja'far 313 <@610473072302227467> @Rashica answer vetting

2020-01-19 20:00:42 UTC  

pretty busy recently ill do it when i have time

2020-01-19 20:01:26 UTC  


2020-01-20 02:53:19 UTC  

A server member invited me
Italian German ethnicity, American born
Siege people are misguided, I don't want a more chaotic future for my kids
Egalitarianism is poo

2020-01-20 02:55:10 UTC  

White imperialism
Popular culture is anti virtue
Marx is retarded but many of his criticisms of capitalism are good

2020-01-20 02:55:55 UTC  

Pro European imperialism
Yes I can play nice

2020-01-20 02:56:44 UTC  

No accelerationism. I have future generations to worry about

2020-01-20 02:57:07 UTC  

Opinion on capitalism

2020-01-20 02:58:14 UTC  

Some amount of individual autonomy and markets are good, but they must be checked by political power to ensure they serve the nation

2020-01-20 02:59:10 UTC  

You seem ok