Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 680184833242300469

2020-02-08 04:45:46 UTC  

I can see <#620342067914342410> and <#633326569619718165> by the way I don’t think i should be able to see those while unvetted

2020-02-08 23:00:53 UTC  

@Deleted User @Seeckt answer vetting

2020-02-09 05:55:44 UTC  


2020-02-09 06:10:39 UTC  

So you can get in the server

2020-02-09 06:10:44 UTC  
2020-02-09 07:07:34 UTC  

but why

2020-02-10 02:24:24 UTC  

1. The Leviathan
2. 19
3. Australian
4. Haven't read it, so can't say.
5. It's false. The natural order is hierarchical and hierarchy is inherently unequal.
6. Dissident Right. Socially conservative, economically centrist. Nationalist, Traditionalist, Authoritarian leaning.
7. I'd like to flesh out my ideas, expand my knowledge, and ensure my ideas are internally consistent and logical. I've been interested in politics for 6 years.
8. Both with respect, I understand why the liberal thinks what they do, I was there once. They are not generally bad people, just misguided and overly idealistic. I have a lot of common ground with fascists, so I'd probably have a good conversation with them, provided they weren't extremist (e.g. unironically advocating for violence, ethnic cleansing etc.)
9. One in which Europeans can remain the majority in the countries they built and safely and peacefully exist.
10. Disgusting and degenerate. Because of certain groups pushing a political agenda.
11. Agnostic, but strong Christian sympathies.
12. Slightly negative. He was an advocate for the people, but he used the wrong metric.
13. I'm a race realist. Ethnic Nationalist.
14. Generally negative.
15. Yes, if we share common goals.
16. Very stupid and cringe. Having our rights taken away from us and our advocates sent to prison is not a good thing. We should work towards a democratic solution. Only if the democratic solution fails, should we consider violence.

2020-02-10 23:44:29 UTC  

@Deleted User answer vetting

2020-02-10 23:57:14 UTC  

@Deleted User answer vetting when u can

2020-02-11 00:01:03 UTC  

@Deleted User already knows and Apollo is incredibly similar so I'll just copy him with slight edits.

2020-02-11 00:03:08 UTC  


2020-02-11 00:17:21 UTC  

I'll have to put it in a pastebin.

2020-02-11 00:17:27 UTC  

It's long as fuck.

2020-02-11 00:21:10 UTC  

Oh okay

2020-02-11 04:57:57 UTC  

@Holy Emperor Serpentarius#8498 yo

2020-02-11 12:32:57 UTC  

He was banned

2020-02-11 12:39:56 UTC  

@csd 13 What happened?

2020-02-15 20:12:55 UTC  

@Deleted User answer vetting

2020-02-15 21:21:43 UTC  


2020-02-19 19:30:08 UTC  

siegefags smh

2020-02-20 22:51:41 UTC  

1. Iron Sunrise.
2. I am 17.
4.i dislike him.
5. I am for it as long as it doesn’t involve hormonic defective.
6. Marxist Futurist, it is socially progressive and ecenomically left.
It rejects traditionalism in favour of a scientific and technological state, Destruction of the old world to build a new.
7. I wrote that in 6, and have been involved in politcs in a year but had interests since 2017.
8. A liberal, i would stay away from, a fascist, stay away in most cases unless they can be respectful.
9.The technological state because you can’t get far without progress.
10. I don’t like it, it encourages mass interracial mixing, which can result in the replacement of the people, it is one big cesspool of capitalist celebration.
11. Atheist.
12. I very much approve.
13. Ethnic Nationalist though not to the extreme.
14. I despise it, land theft, invasions, needless genocided is a threat we all face.
15. Maybe.
16. Definitely, i’d consider myself a marxist accelerationist.

2020-02-20 22:52:09 UTC  
2020-02-21 03:43:07 UTC  

1. Iron Sunrise
2. I' m 17
3. Philippines
4. Haven't read Siege. So, I don't know what to say.
5. “Equality is a lie. A myth to appease the masses. Simply look around and you will see the lie for what it is! There are those with power, those with the strength and will to lead. And there are those meant to follow – those incapable of anything but servitude and a meager, worthless existence.”
“Equality is a perversion of the natural order!… It binds the strong to the weak. They become anchors that drag the exceptional down to mediocrity. Individuals destined and deserving of greatness have it denied them. They suffer for the sake of keeping them even with their inferiors.”
6. I'd consider myself as a Fascist socially and economically
7. I have entered the world of politics ever since the mid 2018.
8. As for the Fascist, I would treat the Fascist with respect as I' m a Fascist myself. As for the Liberal, I would treat the Liberal with downright pity. It also depends on their behavior that they have.
9. The creation of a degenerate-free Philippines because it would realize all of Fi;ipinos to their fullest potential.
10. It's a disgusting globalist invention that uproots entire nations and cut their national roots to nothing and replace it with self destructive degenerate hedonism.
11. Baptist
12. Aware that workers are treated like crap but his ideas are dangerous and destructive as it goes against the human nature.
13. I'd considered myself as a cultural nationalist. Although, I' d do believe in the importance of race in other words Race Realism.
14. It's as bad as globalism.
15. Sure, it depends on their attittude and the goals they have.
16. I don't consider myself as a acclerationist.

2020-02-21 20:45:42 UTC  

It’s me my account got disabled again

2020-02-21 20:46:51 UTC  


2020-02-22 03:13:51 UTC  

@csd 13 let me in I was an admin here before

2020-02-22 03:19:37 UTC  


2020-02-23 01:06:55 UTC  

@Deleted User answer vetting when u get the chance

2020-02-25 09:36:34 UTC  

Its your boy

2020-02-25 09:36:35 UTC  

Let me in

2020-02-26 00:01:14 UTC  

1. You dmed me a link @Cjxproxy
2. 20
3. America, Oregon
4. A rather flawed book used by edgy ethnic nationalists and reactionaries
5. I am all for it for those that contribute to the state
6. I Call myself a Cascadian Unionist holding views from ML and strasser and I'm in favor of a United independent PNW
7. I've been into politics since 2016
8. Although I disagree with fascists in some areas I would treat them with respect, for liberals I see them as a capitalistic cancer that corrupts people socially and destroy the economy in favor of $
9. A great independent PNW state because the PNW has been neglected by the Canadian and American government both socially and economically
10. It's horrible that capitalism has grown to corrupt the people to doing terrible things to others and encourages and intervenes in anyones dispute or war in favor of $
11. LDS
12. I see his writings becoming inspiration or steppingstones for radical politics as it revolutionized geopolitics on a massive scale
13. Cultural nationalist
14. I don't see a difference with that and globalism, both are bad
15. As long as we hold similar views and have common goals yes
16. If it meant being in favor of a real revolution rather than a so-called political revolution made up by boozgeois then yes

2020-02-26 00:01:47 UTC  
2020-02-28 15:03:09 UTC  

Is this server active? I'm not going to waste my time answering these questions if not

2020-02-28 15:03:23 UTC  


2020-02-28 15:03:38 UTC  

Okay, I guess that's my answer. Give me a second

2020-02-28 15:19:40 UTC  


2020-02-28 16:12:34 UTC  

1. Cercle Proudhon
2. 18
3. American
4. Haven't read it, and I never plan on reading it. It's way to memey for me to take seriously. Although I have read Gentile and other philosophers
5. No one is born equal
6. Calling yourself "socially conservative" is stupid. Conservatives haven't conserved anything for the past 50 years. The only way to truly conserve the culture of your people is through reactionary and new measures
7. I could do to learn more about monarchies and absolutism. I have a laymans understanding of occultism and esoteric hitlerism
8. I prefer fascists. Liberals allow their own people to be erased and promote individualism
9. The world would've been better if hitler won. And not in a cringe larpy way, fascism was a result of increasing individual liberties and the complete disregard for exactly *what* customs got us where we are today. Essentially I blame the French revolution for the current state of affairs
10. Neoliberalism is a scourge on humanity
11. I'm not sure, I'm confused on religion I've heard some really convincing arguments for becoming a vedic, I've read this book called "the science of self-realization" and I can't say that I disagree with much of the philosophy. I would say "fascism is my religion" but that is a cop-out
12. I agree with his theory on class conflict, as there should be one class (being the workers of society). Anyone who does not benefit their society should be immediately purged. However, marxists tend to be globohomos and have a disregard for national cultures
13. Race is extremely relevant, even **if** you didn't believe that genetics and culture is inherently tied. Culture has always been tied to skin
14. Anything to forward the interest of your people is inherently good
15. Have a conversation with? Yes. Allow them power? Only if it leads to my people getting closer to power
16. I think capitalism already creates accelerationism. It is self destructive. Therefore, the status quo is already accelerationism.

2020-02-28 16:12:38 UTC  
2020-02-28 16:12:48 UTC  

I was doing something while answering these, so that's why it took so long

2020-02-28 16:18:12 UTC  

@Deleted User whats your ideology

2020-02-28 16:23:56 UTC  

complaining about a questions wording isnt really an answer to the question