Message from @Victus Shmmidtt

Discord ID: 456425652455866369

2018-06-13 11:44:36 UTC  

Real goods being described as those things you meed to live

2018-06-13 11:45:00 UTC  

you can justify and rationalise it, because fuck it a man can be convinced that you did good by killing that man

2018-06-13 11:45:01 UTC

2018-06-13 11:45:23 UTC  

But if Moralism and Ethics are defined by man what makes murder bad? The animal kingdom kills their own children and they don't care.

2018-06-13 11:46:12 UTC  

Whether or not it was needed in order to preserve a real good

2018-06-13 11:47:09 UTC  

If they arent imeadiately threatening your real goods such an action is completely innappropriate and not supported at all

2018-06-13 11:48:26 UTC  

So you advocate for killing your own child of it threatens the "real good?"

What man thinks is "Good" is irrelevant to God. God is more concerned with Righteousness.

2018-06-13 11:48:53 UTC  

in ethics defined by man, murder can be justified

2018-06-13 11:49:00 UTC  

in front of a God it can't

2018-06-13 11:49:30 UTC  

If your child is threatening your health or shelter and the only way to stop them is via death it might be justified

2018-06-13 11:49:56 UTC  

But in that case it isnt murder its self defense and manslaughter

2018-06-13 11:50:03 UTC  

this is what I'm talking about

2018-06-13 11:50:21 UTC  

You kind of justified our point

2018-06-13 11:50:31 UTC  

>perfectly fine with child killing as long as they endager you in some way

2018-06-13 11:51:15 UTC  

Yes and no

2018-06-13 11:51:18 UTC  

Unless you are referring to capital punishment

2018-06-13 11:51:34 UTC  

Where the child has done grave wrong by the law

2018-06-13 11:51:53 UTC  

Killing because you want to is different than killing because you are forced to or die

2018-06-13 11:51:53 UTC  

you're still not allowed to judge him, only God is

2018-06-13 11:52:31 UTC  

I mean u can put him in jail but not execute him

2018-06-13 11:52:35 UTC  

The spirit can only be Judged by God, but we can judge the actions of said person

2018-06-13 11:52:57 UTC  


2018-06-13 11:53:53 UTC  

Though we are told "by their fruits you shall know them" so we can usually figure out if someone is saved or not by just watching them act.

2018-06-13 11:53:53 UTC  

I think he was referring to abortion

2018-06-13 11:54:52 UTC  

The justification would only come from reflection of the situation you were in however.

2018-06-13 11:55:20 UTC  

Abortion is abhorrent in the eyes of God. The Bible states the God HATES hands quick to shed innocent blood.

2018-06-13 11:55:24 UTC  

You cant really justify stuff in the moment

2018-06-13 11:55:48 UTC  

According to ethics you could abort

2018-06-13 11:56:06 UTC  

Provided the complications threatened the mothers life

2018-06-13 11:56:21 UTC  

But all that is going into Utilitarianism

2018-06-13 11:56:32 UTC  

Human concept of ethics is irrelevant to God. You should only be following his law when it comes to moral code.

2018-06-13 11:57:05 UTC  

If he has a law he should enforce it

2018-06-13 11:57:33 UTC  

Otherwise ethics is the best we can do

2018-06-13 11:57:40 UTC  

Enforce his Moral Law? He already said that it is man's choice

2018-06-13 11:58:03 UTC  

I would doubt the moral code of any mother who decides to end the life of her child to save her own

2018-06-13 11:58:11 UTC  


2018-06-13 11:59:21 UTC  

The case we used in class was that the baby had a complication where it would not survive birth and it put the mother in serious danger

2018-06-13 11:59:26 UTC  

now do you see how far we have fallen? when abortion is made for economic reasons? how far the ethics of man can justify things

2018-06-13 12:00:06 UTC  

But abortion because youre a whore is generally not supported

2018-06-13 12:01:35 UTC  

the example you provided still doesn't justify murdering the child

2018-06-13 12:01:47 UTC  

if it has a chance then it does