Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 463015867253522442

2018-07-01 07:10:22 UTC  

Where the hell do you live, Arizona?

2018-07-01 07:10:22 UTC  


2018-07-01 07:10:34 UTC  

I do live in Arizona lol

2018-07-01 07:11:01 UTC  

But I meant relative population density

2018-07-01 07:11:32 UTC  

There was no 100k person wars for the American indians to my knowledge

2018-07-01 07:12:10 UTC  

It was intense skirmishes with high mortality rates.

2018-07-01 07:12:26 UTC  

So communities were small and stayed small

2018-07-01 07:13:02 UTC  

Leading to less diverse thinking than in Eurasia

2018-07-01 07:13:59 UTC  

But with the exact same climate, they would need the same shelter

2018-07-01 07:14:23 UTC  

And physically would adapt to the climate and look roughly the same

2018-07-01 07:16:00 UTC  

However I've been in the traditional homes of both cultures. There's a radical difference between a wooden house and basically a carport made of straw.

2018-07-01 07:16:02 UTC  

But less competition and separate breeding lines

2018-07-01 07:20:47 UTC  


2018-07-01 07:20:53 UTC  

So who causes these changes?

2018-07-01 07:22:53 UTC  

And in the case of prehistory...where are all the fossils of 1.1, 1.2, etc?

2018-07-01 07:41:59 UTC  


2018-07-01 07:43:01 UTC  

Cro Magnons too

2018-07-01 07:43:34 UTC  

At 100k and 20k years ago or so.

2018-07-01 07:45:31 UTC  

As a bonus american indians and black resemble cro magnons

2018-07-01 16:19:45 UTC  

Hmm, but geneticists say there was interbreeding with them

2018-07-01 16:20:02 UTC  

And there are no living or dead examples of the intermediate species between them and humans

2018-07-01 16:20:31 UTC  

And by your own admission, Neanderthals look a lot like blacks. So is it possible that the Neanderthals are just black people?

2018-07-01 16:22:14 UTC  

Geneticists say non-Africans have nuclear DNA but not mitochondrial DNA from Neanderthals so likely, only male Nenderthals could mate with female humans

2018-07-01 16:22:21 UTC  

And not the reverse

2018-07-01 16:22:57 UTC  

23&me says my dad has higher then usual neanderthal DNA 😏

2018-07-01 16:23:17 UTC  

Likely Neanderthals were just a subspecies of humans, like dogs vs wolves

2018-07-01 16:23:48 UTC  

And that would also account for their extinction

2018-07-01 16:24:12 UTC  

By Father William of Occam's razor, which you like to suggest, that's the simplest solution.

2018-07-01 16:24:39 UTC  

It takes the least assumptions and does not require such a rare occurrence

2018-07-01 23:51:43 UTC  

Blacks are Neanderthals and could only mate male to women?

2018-07-01 23:51:52 UTC

2018-07-01 23:52:08 UTC  

Idk it sorta checks out

2018-07-01 23:53:42 UTC  

It would also explain why no one likes black women. Also dont blacks normally have a slighty different skull and have extra leg muscles?

2018-07-01 23:55:13 UTC  

They also happen to be the most numerous of the "native" types that were stuck with inferior civilization level.

2018-07-01 23:56:14 UTC  

They moved forward just at a far slower pace. That would make so much sense. I could get behind that.

2018-07-02 01:02:58 UTC  

No, I don't think Neanderthals were Africans

2018-07-02 01:07:02 UTC  

I agree to a degree

2018-07-02 01:07:35 UTC  

I also think Indians are too

2018-07-02 01:08:08 UTC  

If not American ones definitely Mayans Inca and Olmecs

2018-07-02 01:09:00 UTC  

The statues they left behind have "black" features such as the big ass nose and lips.