Message from @joeyfogas

Discord ID: 484108502604972043

2018-08-28 21:10:51 UTC  

No, Left-wing.

2018-08-28 21:10:55 UTC  

They were Communists.

2018-08-28 21:11:06 UTC  

confused by the term"republican" used there

2018-08-28 21:11:08 UTC  

Nationalist Spain was the right-wing contengent.

2018-08-28 21:11:24 UTC  

People have always been searching for meaning & explonation for the world. For some people best answer is God, because with God and religion you can have fundamental meaning behind everything.

2018-08-28 21:11:45 UTC  

But, yeah, Republican Spain hated religion so much that they actually perpetrated Post-Mortem desecration.

2018-08-28 21:11:45 UTC  

I personally believe that "god" is an excuse to stop asking and looking

2018-08-28 21:12:09 UTC  

God was reason why people started to investigate the world

2018-08-28 21:12:19 UTC  

initially, yes.

2018-08-28 21:12:19 UTC  

(At least in christianity)

2018-08-28 21:12:38 UTC  

people don't know that science was actually based initially from church influences

2018-08-28 21:12:46 UTC  

Not really, no.

2018-08-28 21:12:48 UTC  

Doesn't apply for muslims, as their inventions lasted for only 100years

2018-08-28 21:12:49 UTC  

however when the evidence started to state things to the contrary, they grew apart

2018-08-28 21:13:01 UTC  

yes little boots, yes.

2018-08-28 21:13:08 UTC  

the first scientists were of the church

2018-08-28 21:13:20 UTC  

Generally, Scientists, up until recently, mainly did their scientific work to try to figure out how things worked as a means of understanding God's creation.

2018-08-28 21:13:34 UTC  


2018-08-28 21:13:44 UTC  

Most of the anti-Scientific stuff came about as a result of the Protestant Reformation.

2018-08-28 21:14:07 UTC  

Mosts scientistist through the history have been christians as well. Like Newton, Einstein, even Darwin. Does this make the names anything less belieable? I think not.

2018-08-28 21:14:21 UTC  

not at all

2018-08-28 21:14:29 UTC  

If you look at the condemnation of most scientific figures and when they were condemned, most were between the 1550's and the 1650's.

2018-08-28 21:14:31 UTC  

most scientists today are christian as well

2018-08-28 21:14:46 UTC  

Well, thats biggest religion as well <:smugpepe:445634631950139403>

2018-08-28 21:14:54 UTC  


2018-08-28 21:15:02 UTC  

you don't have to be an atheist to be a good scientist. You just have to seperate the evidence from faith

2018-08-28 21:15:12 UTC  


2018-08-28 21:16:10 UTC  

But sometimes it isn't as straight forward. Sometimes new evidence gives you 100new and harder questions

2018-08-28 21:16:26 UTC  

science is always supposed to open up more questions though

2018-08-28 21:16:32 UTC  

Generally, I consider the idea that religion "held back science" to largely be a misunderstanding based entirely on the persecutions during the Protestant Reformation period.

2018-08-28 21:16:33 UTC  

otherwise, I wouldn't consider it good science

2018-08-28 21:16:51 UTC  


2018-08-28 21:17:32 UTC  

The only thing that held back science is the documented cases where the church believed something to be herasy and burned them

2018-08-28 21:17:38 UTC  

such as the world being round

2018-08-28 21:18:17 UTC  

not sure if that specific example happened, but I know the church did burn a lot of people for stating science fact that contradicted the church

2018-08-28 21:18:43 UTC  

During a time when they were obsessing over "heresy" due to the Protestant Reformation dividing Europe.

2018-08-28 21:19:16 UTC  

It was the religious schism that resulted in the persecutions in question.

2018-08-28 21:19:39 UTC  

Nearly every people on everynation through the history have known that the earth is round & some even knew that the earth is orbiting around the sun (like jews).
Only exceptions are now a day muslims & medieval europeans

2018-08-28 21:20:06 UTC  

fucking flat earthers...

2018-08-28 21:20:16 UTC  


2018-08-28 21:20:33 UTC  

and yea... it seems in history we had a period of great understanding, then somehow got fucking stupid... and had to relearn it all again