Message from @Primer

Discord ID: 484938369260978176

2018-08-29 03:14:24 UTC  

this made people start to question the church... thus, a seed called atheism was planted.

2018-08-29 03:14:42 UTC  

though it wasn't atheism flat out.. but it would grow to branch it

2018-08-29 03:17:35 UTC  

as I mentioned earlier, there are dozens of bible revisions, and dozens of denominations under the christianity umbrella. Methodists and Baptists disagree as do Seventh day adventists and catholics. So within christianity, one has to really wonder... 1. Are they the right religion, 2. Are they the right denomination of that religion, and 3. Is the version of the book they learn from accurate, and 4. Which pastor/preacher/priests understanding of it is correct.

But... Everyone is right and everyone is wrong

2018-08-29 06:01:28 UTC  

damn what a conversation

2018-08-29 06:32:20 UTC  

Of course only one denomination can be right. We each have our own beliefs about that and we do what works for us.

2018-08-29 06:32:34 UTC  

There is still no division between religion and science.

2018-08-29 12:27:53 UTC  

Scientists still want to know how God works. You just have leftist retards that pitch a fit whenever scientists go against their preconceived notions of the world. So the studies and research get suppressed. Then other scientists are afraid to publish anything contrary to leftism.

2018-08-29 12:28:52 UTC  

Look at how the Bell Curve IQ guy has been treated. Last I saw he had to sell his Nobel Prize because he can’t get any work from the leftist outrage.

2018-08-29 12:30:17 UTC  

progressivism poisons everything

2018-08-29 14:38:33 UTC  

progressive is regressive

2018-08-29 17:37:03 UTC

2018-08-30 22:29:09 UTC

2018-08-30 22:29:26 UTC

2018-08-31 00:52:18 UTC

2018-08-31 00:57:32 UTC  

Don't ruin it Ehzek

2018-08-31 00:59:21 UTC  

People have created amino acids from conditions of primordial earth. Legs are stronger fins, lungs are less sophisticated breathing as it just takes air instead of seperating it from hydrogen first. Male female is dna/rna in macro form where a specific node has its opposite pair. Stripes evolve as mutations through majority superior survival, feather are lighter than hair if I remember correctly. I dont know, it sounds like it was written by some retard. There are some weird ass things that dont fit but none of those are them.

2018-08-31 00:59:31 UTC  


2018-08-31 01:02:32 UTC  

I couldn't see that through the wall of text and having the picture pulled up

2018-08-31 01:03:07 UTC  

As far as meme's go though thats full leftist

2018-08-31 03:11:04 UTC  

It's easier to find Russian bots and hackers than the common ancestors y'all keep talking about

2018-08-31 04:11:56 UTC  

Christianity is bad

2018-08-31 07:23:03 UTC  

Your mom was bad

2018-08-31 07:33:41 UTC  

Without the Church, your sorry weak ass would be speaking Arabic and your women getting gangbanged by Arab warlords

2018-08-31 07:34:19 UTC  

You're useless and weak because of all the soy so you can't be a soldier or a laborer, so in the mass grave you'll go

2018-08-31 09:28:00 UTC  

Common ancestors exist though. If you arent looking for them you aren't going to find them almost at all. Its very unpopular work and pretty boring. They arent going to blast every discovery of old dog bones as some huge thing.

Meanwhile completely ignoring the fact that animal breeding works mostly the same way as evolution does and has given us unique variants that dont really exist in the wild. Things like teacup dogs and munchkin cats were done in decades.

If you don't understand the science fine, but to pretend that some dude made everything then mysteriously left forever is more valid isnt confidence inspiring regarding you critical thinking skills.

2018-08-31 09:38:02 UTC  

If what it would take to make you believe there is something to evolution is every single common ancestor from present all the way back to amino acids but you just accept some dude making everything I not sure what to say. Those two lines of thought don't mesh at all.

2018-08-31 11:35:56 UTC  

Dog breeds do not equal evolution. The dog breeds are still dogs. Every dog in history has always and will always be a dog. A small teacup dog is still 100% dog, it isn’t slowly becoming a cat. It’s a dog. This same thing applies to every living thing we know of. There are no common ancestors between 2 different animals. Every supposed human ancestor is either wholly human or wholly ape/monkey. Even several of those bodies are fakes, someone either mixed human and ape bones or they just lied and hoped no one would check behind them. People like me aren’t asking for all the common ancestors, we’re asking for one. Just one that proves species can transition. So far it doesn’t exist.

2018-08-31 12:53:32 UTC  

It isnt about turning a dog into a cat its about turning a dog into a more specialized type of dog. Yet you still miss the point. Its someone who finds insufficient evidence in something turning around and saying this thing with 0 evidence must be true because 0 evidence exists. It isnt even close to a rational thought.

Furthermore we dont really know the timeline. We have evidence of humans as far back as 100,000 years. So for whatever reason God apparently made man 100k years ago, randomly dictates shit to them 996999 or so years later then mysteriously vanishes again?

But yeah not finding a true human common ancestor yet is whats weird. Because its as easy as going to the bone/dna library and just looking through the last million years to see if its true or not.

We have tons of small evidence like how breeding works or how microbes mutate to back up evolution on the micro level. Meanwhile the next best competing theory is magic? I'll take the aliens guy over that shit.

2018-08-31 12:59:08 UTC  

Going by how fossils work the chances of finding any skeleton in decent shape is almost zero. Acting like it cant happen when we havent even been trying to figure it out seriously or for that long comparatively is a just silly.

2018-08-31 13:00:14 UTC  

Turn around and use that on the God argument and now we arent sure of anything.

2018-08-31 14:55:38 UTC  

Going on timelines... Carbon dating is garbage. It’s not even close to dating things correctly. It makes the assumption that the current conditions of the universe haven’t changed in incomprehensible amounts of time. That includes radiation from the Sun, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. So the only references we have to actual timelines are written histories that we can assign dates. Beyond that we can only guess using historical evidence like dead bodies and pottery. From that evidence we get nowhere near the 100,000’s of years claim made by carbon dating.

2018-08-31 14:56:00 UTC  

Yes I understand evolution doesn’t mean literally a dog becomes a cat. To stick with the dog example: No matter how much you selectively breed a dog, it remains a dog. It doesn’t genetically become something else.

2018-08-31 14:56:37 UTC  

Genetic variance and selective breeding do not equal evolution.

2018-08-31 14:59:38 UTC  

Evolution assumes that new information is added to genetic material and is somehow kept. That simply is not true. Viruses and bacteria lose information over time, they also gain information.

2018-08-31 15:01:59 UTC  

I’m not asking you to believe in God. But the blind acceptance of evolution is just silly. It’s a bad theory. Anti-theist scientists push it like there’s no other option while trying their best to suppress anything that counters the theory.

2018-08-31 15:05:18 UTC  

Evolution looks like this.

2018-08-31 15:05:44 UTC  

Actual scientific data looks like this.

2018-08-31 15:12:18 UTC  

From the perspective of conversion though, what does it matter. Even if Darwin’s thesis was completely debunked, it still puts everything back at square one needing proof of intelligent design, a non-passive deity, and whatever religion you are trying to convert someone to.

2018-08-31 15:25:23 UTC  

I’m just trying to prove evolution is a horrible theory that can’t stand on its own. I’m not trying to prove Biblical creation or intelligent design. Biblical creation requires a belief in the existence of God and the acceptance of the Bible as truth.

2018-08-31 18:34:19 UTC  

Evolution has absolutely zero evidence and nobody has ever been able to prove a single shred of it

2018-08-31 19:23:24 UTC