Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 485970786436513802

2018-09-03 00:18:35 UTC  

That no one would turn to peaceful ways under threat of violence

2018-09-03 00:18:40 UTC  

How many messages back are you talking here?

2018-09-03 00:19:02 UTC  

Its been his entire argument from the start

2018-09-03 00:19:07 UTC  

Islam isn't peace though. You convert to it or die lol

2018-09-03 00:19:20 UTC

2018-09-03 00:19:27 UTC  

You arent listening

2018-09-03 00:19:47 UTC  

Rome normally would hunt and murder Christians

2018-09-03 00:20:00 UTC  

Muslims murder all who leave as well

2018-09-03 00:20:07 UTC  

But they do it for nothing

2018-09-03 00:20:19 UTC  

Christians had a messiah

2018-09-03 00:21:04 UTC  

After what happened with jesus it makes sense that people would accept those peaceful ways

2018-09-03 00:21:17 UTC  

Whether it was a lie or not

2018-09-03 00:22:52 UTC  

Its far more likely for them as they had Jesus. Muslims turn from their religion on nothing. It isnt so hard to believe if Jesus death could have been fakedn that people would follow him right?

2018-09-03 00:27:09 UTC  

Muslims don't "just leave" Islam lol

2018-09-03 00:27:38 UTC  

They flee the country, move to a Western country, and either become athiest or Christian

2018-09-03 00:28:26 UTC  

And... The fuck you mean I'm not listening? You hadn't said anything except an obscure reference to a converstation from like 12 hours ago

2018-09-03 00:32:19 UTC  

You dont just leave rome either

2018-09-03 00:32:26 UTC  

You practice in secret

2018-09-03 00:33:55 UTC  

And you werent listening because it wasnt that Islam was peaceful, its that people were being converted to a fake religion and are willing to die for it.

2018-09-03 00:34:20 UTC  

Willing to conquer the world for it

2018-09-03 00:34:24 UTC  

Well it couldn't be faked exactly (except if he had a twin) if you remember because he was pierced with a Spear and the roman did it to be sure that he had died. Now in a sense lets take that the death was faked BUT first lets speak about muslims. Islam was a non existant when Muhammad started preaching because the pagans on the towns would hunt him down. After a lot of failures he was exiled and resorted to become a raider/thief hunting down caravans/merchants for money. That was the first time he got power because a lot of people heard about him and came for the sweet sweet loot that he was getting. The only catch was that they had to convert to islam. After he got a lot people his stance would change and become more aggresive on how he would convert other people with Islam the religion of "peace". After he established his first converted towns the quran was made with laws such as to be able to grasp as money power as he wanted. To have unlimited wifes, even after his death other couldn't get his chicks etc and a lot more stupid things like his friends shouldn't talk to his wifes or staying too long at his house etc. Quran was just an instrument for this man to amass the power he wanted to make his Empire and in a sense he did it. For muslims to convert isn't easy though. Quran says that a non muslim either he has to die, convert to islam OR pay a tribute. If someone wanted to convert to a different to other faith you had to leave or get executed. A lot of the islamic scientists where killed/exiled because they would decypher greek/roman books etc and after they did it they were exiled because ou can't question the world because its already perfect from the god.

2018-09-03 00:34:38 UTC  

In comparison just being a Christian is tame

2018-09-03 00:34:56 UTC  

And holy fuck Mike said it too

2018-09-03 00:37:04 UTC  

I had asserted jesus had a twin

2018-09-03 00:37:23 UTC  

A double could have also technically been possible.

2018-09-03 00:39:15 UTC  

But my point about Islam was simply it is a religion that if Christianity is to be real must be fake. Rags said it couldnt happen even if Jesus managed to be faked.

2018-09-03 00:45:35 UTC  

Well Islam technically is fake as it was just an instrument for mohammad. He got parts from all religions and pieced it together and a lot of things from Christianity. Now for Christianity there are 2 possible outcomes Either its fake too or it's real. If it's fake I can't fathom that so many people just become martyrs for something that wouldn't give them anything. In particular people that were in islam would get riches from each invasion and a lot of wifes but christians would live a poor life and their death was certain or to be exiled and their deaths wasn't fast ones too.

2018-09-03 00:46:18 UTC  

So I can't see it as a mean to distabilize the country as it didn't give anything to so many martyrs and believers to follow that faith.

2018-09-03 00:46:27 UTC  

Now for the second part that christianity is real

2018-09-03 00:51:13 UTC  

Islam also copied from noncanonical books like the Infancy Gospel of Thomas

2018-09-03 00:51:37 UTC  

We know that Jesus existed as a historical person and even historians support this and for this part only the future would unveil it as we still are waiting the last prophecies to become real . The only thing I can say for sure Jesus may be the unknown god that my ancestors believed in and was the unknown god before Paul visited Athens and saw the Altar.

2018-09-03 00:51:42 UTC  

Which is equivalent to adding Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter to a history book

2018-09-03 00:52:41 UTC  

And don't forget that christianity created three faiths, Catholism / Orthodoxian and Judaism that jews are believing in.

2018-09-03 00:53:46 UTC  

Christianity also did nothing to destabilize the empire. In fact it strengthened it

2018-09-03 00:53:51 UTC  

Orthodox/Catholism is kinda the same except for some differencies

2018-09-03 00:53:58 UTC  

yeah that I would say

2018-09-03 00:54:31 UTC  

the only thing destabilized the empire was the schizm of the two churches but that was just the tip of the iceberg in that time

2018-09-03 00:54:43 UTC  

if you get into account the byzantines murdering the latins etc

2018-09-03 00:55:36 UTC  

Christianity had strengthed the Empire into one belief as for the most part people would believe in different gods except the romeans/greeks as they had the same gods with just different names and some minor differences

2018-09-03 00:57:20 UTC  

I'm off to sleep, cya guys

2018-09-03 02:08:34 UTC  

It did cause some trouble, but I was arguing that its intention was to destabilize. I never said it was successful. For example there was an emphasis on peace in Christianity and Rome was known to be a military powerhouse. Maybe it was meant to weaken the will to fight.