Message from @Major Kay.
Discord ID: 447932890823786508
Had to get some weapon reworks survival is a mess in that game
Nv had the best survival mode
I love the M1 Garand mod for Fallout 4
4 has the best combat in the series. It's just a shame that hte writing is so much worse than 3...and all the awesome choice 3 had is gone...and the in depth questlines like Oasis and Those! just do not exist in 4
At least in Fallout 4 you actually had the choice of going the evil route with the raiders with the Nuka World DLC
and hte atmosphere in 4 is no where near as good. The new dialog system sucks. The new level up system sucks. I hate the lack of level cap. There was a fucking purpose to the damned level cap
Exactly, With no Level cap, Every player just becomes fucking overpowered with max stats
Did you guys ever hear that Fallout 4 ALMOST had a multiplayer mode?
and exactly the same. No more choice. Get every perk
No point in planning out character builds and trying different things.
>mfw Fallout 4 Battle Royale mode is unleashed
and Skyrim Battle Royal
Dear god.
But honestly, I really hope Bethesda doesn't do that shit with Fallout 4 as a extra Fuck You
@D-FENS or the upcoming Fallout 3 Anniversary edition that was leaked for Nintendo Switch. Most likely coming to everything else as well
I hope not
Bring back nv
New Vegas will most likely follow shortly after
It wont
You have no fucking clue how bad I want Fallout 3 to get a remaster. Finally. A version of it that works on Windows 10 properly
Really bad story tho
Even worse side quests
If they remaster Fallout 3 for Xbox One, I just realized Mods will be available on that for console holy shit
Mods would be the only thing id buy it for
Add true iron sights
Same. Finally be able to use mods correctly without them fucking up.
the PS4 and Xbox One will finally get a GOOD fallout game
Only 1kb of mods allowed
They do
The side quests in Fallout 3 are goddamn great dude
If New Vegas gets remastered for Xbox One as well, That means mods too
fuck yes please
Gods yes
Stealing Independence and Oasis are a couple of the best side quests in any Fallout game