Message from @Thornberry

Discord ID: 636255215301033986

2019-10-22 12:45:32 UTC  

We're going through the north

2019-10-22 12:45:39 UTC  

Like the HMS terror

2019-10-22 13:14:35 UTC

2019-10-22 13:49:00 UTC  

@Thornberry be ready to go to the polls again in about 12-18 months

2019-10-22 14:51:50 UTC  
2019-10-22 14:54:20 UTC  

because this is a minority you know someone is going to force it

2019-10-22 14:54:41 UTC  

Its rather difficult

2019-10-22 14:54:50 UTC  

Bloc doesn't want an election

2019-10-22 14:55:16 UTC  

If NDP, Green, and independent voted with conservatives they wouldn't have enough

2019-10-22 15:01:28 UTC  

Happy she won

2019-10-22 15:07:57 UTC  

I see her playing a large role in the years to come

2019-10-22 15:09:36 UTC

2019-10-22 16:03:13 UTC

2019-10-22 16:03:20 UTC

2019-10-22 16:51:27 UTC  

@Thornberry what do we do now?

2019-10-22 17:06:01 UTC  

@Nod we open our wallets up and give everything to syrians

2019-10-22 17:07:29 UTC  

better shill Norton harder.

2019-10-22 17:31:04 UTC  

@Conn1321 summed up nicely

2019-10-22 19:41:55 UTC  

It looks as though Trudeau thinks nothing changed. You guys will be back at the polls when we are.

2019-10-22 19:42:10 UTC  

Question times will be interesting

2019-10-22 19:45:48 UTC  

yeah. we might be going to the polls at the same time next year. we'll see

2019-10-22 20:28:05 UTC  

Also the crazy Tranny in Vancouver lost her bid to make salons wax her balls

2019-10-22 20:28:15 UTC  

So more good news!

2019-10-22 22:00:37 UTC

2019-10-23 02:46:35 UTC  

The liberals can be taken to account

2019-10-23 03:40:08 UTC  

If Ambrose was the Leader of the Conservatives, this election could’ve been A strong performance for them and reduce the Libs into A one term government

2019-10-23 16:22:30 UTC  
2019-10-23 20:47:19 UTC  


2019-10-23 21:04:09 UTC  

Yeah, that’s why I’m all over fb trying to convince people to take the non diplomatic -boogaloo- option

2019-10-23 21:06:51 UTC  

Canada would never allow us to leave. The clarity act is a horseshit prison sentence. I’ve been a separatist for over a decade.
What we need to do is create a service public industry that will replace the federal ones, and switch to direct taxation. Only then will we be able to hold our equalization payments hostage and efficiently boot out Ottawa.

2019-10-23 21:07:11 UTC  

Need some American support

2019-10-24 00:28:27 UTC  

Thank God no coalition

2019-10-24 00:34:55 UTC  
2019-10-24 00:36:48 UTC  

whitch means Trudeau is not guaranteed to pass anything in the next few years

2019-10-24 00:39:32 UTC  

So.... Cancer not in remission, but halted for a bit, at least?

2019-10-24 01:08:43 UTC  

Thats not too bad then

2019-10-24 01:12:51 UTC  

@Reaper5594 @Conn1321 @Rtr33zyUTAHA

Lads is it just me or does the MSM make a big deal out of natives yet I'm willing to wager that 99% of canadians don't give a shit.