Message from @Major Kay.
Discord ID: 446131775534661632
AJ is not a Zionist. Whoever is feeding you that nonsense is a jew
Kek look at the photo
I never said i believed it
I was showing retarded shit on yt
At anyrate aj left his jew wife or whatever
I also dont think every jew on planet earth is super crafty or have enough $$$ to do so
But the bankers....
And the political groups...
And the religo group
It isnt that all Jews are crafty, its that any Jew can be called upon by religious leaders to do whatever the crafty ones want.
At the end of the day if you are against any Jew basically all Jews are against you. Any serious Jew simply cant be trusted.
Jews tend to be collectivists to the max. Jewish first, American second, with a few exceptions obviously.
There are exceptions but normally the pawn isnt aware of the bigger picture
However, if you say you're a Christian before being an American, all the Neocohens and Athiest Liberals go apeshit
Even if they would never betray something they might not be aware of the full repercussions
Mossad and the leaders have free pass to do a lot
Where u from
So is very despressing
*Is it
I live in Alaska
i live on the Kenai Peninsula
about 3-4 hours from Anchorage
Isn't Alaska deep red?
If it ain't got super big city's for lefty fags to move into then it goes red
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
Just in
Not sure if I agree with her non-waterboarding stance but I trust GET
So what is everyone’s thoughts on the reports that Mueller finally stated that the POTUS can’t be indicted?
Alex is crying again. Thinks Hillary is winning