Message from @fsmetal
Discord ID: 497889431315808286
Collins confirmed yes
she gave a good speech
"Mr President, I will vote yes to confirm Judge Kavanaugh." was the best part
the McCarthy stuff was pretty good too
Arizona replaces one RINO Mc with another RINO Mc all because Sheriff Joe won't retire already.
Utah is no better with the 2012 choke artist award winner Romney.
Let's saw off everything in the southwest, invade Canada and UK, and call it the Anglo States of America and Europe.
There's been attempts at dividing California which would be great
They can get their Aztalan dream and we don't have to deal with their RINO's and SV democrats
The leftist shitholes would still be that, but they would have fewer electors
And the conservative areas would go to us
Probably gain 10-15 electors for our side
dividing California depends on how it's divided. the 3 Californias would gerrymander it and triple Californias Marianas Trench blue representation in the senate.
The San Andreas faultline doesn't move up or down so it would be a good place for a wall as it would only need repairs to cracks.
Yeah if they cut it just right to get 51% left in each new state
But that would be shaped incredibly weird, like a third of a pizza
Seperating Miami from the rest of Florida would be easy as theres already gater filled moats dug in the Everglades
Damn white people and their
*picks words out of hat*
dating apps
The proposed divisions of California would just make 3 super blue states instead of one.
They’ve divided it in such a way that there’s a major city in each state.
Would they have enough population to override the countryside?
From the division I had seen, yes.
But muh treason and Russia
Manchin tweeted he will vote in favor of kavanaugh
Ah jeez watching the vote right now and all these bat shit harpies
Also worried Kavinaugh might not make it since all I'm hearing are 'No' from every Senator
Every time I see Chuck Schumer, I want to slug him
Ha! He made it I think!
@ZoSo159 he has
hes been appointed Take it all the way to SCOTUS so it can be the 21st century Brown vs Board of Education with Kavanaugh deciding!