Message from @Ehzek

Discord ID: 567071892599603209

2019-04-14 11:18:45 UTC  

He claims to praise Trump when he does good and critize him when he does wrong

2019-04-14 11:18:51 UTC  

But he was a nevertrumper

2019-04-14 12:43:19 UTC  

Ah Uncle Ruckus 🤣

2019-04-14 15:01:22 UTC  

@wwezombiegod @Deleted User I even heard from Liberty Hangout that he was against the Covington kids at first

2019-04-14 15:01:27 UTC  

Dunno where they got that though

2019-04-14 16:59:18 UTC  

I don't trust anyone like Ben Shapiro who say they are for America but they really only care about us as a means to protect Isreal

2019-04-14 18:54:17 UTC  

I have a theory on this

2019-04-14 18:54:48 UTC  

I think he was following the shekels with the nevertrump thing

2019-04-14 18:55:25 UTC  

Caring about Israel does not mean you can't care about America. The Jews who are causing us problems don't live in Israel

2019-04-14 18:55:39 UTC  

They live right here in the US

2019-04-14 18:57:14 UTC  

There's a lying Protestant pamphlet that says every Catholic is a citizen of the Vatican, which isn't true at all. To us it's not really a country, just a special city. But, we view out Church as something above a nation, and we care about it more than we do the US.

2019-04-14 18:57:43 UTC  

So in a way we only care about the US as a means to protect the Church

2019-04-14 19:00:01 UTC  

For the Jews, thanks to the scattering and the Holocaust, they want a sense of safety. Having their own country, and army, gives them that feeling of a place they can go and not be bothered. Israel also represents their "Church" which all Jews should be putting first. Anyone who does not elevate their faith above their nation is a religious hypocrite.

2019-04-14 19:00:58 UTC  

Israel is almost as illegitimate as Palestine, but the Jews see themselves as the true religion of course so they disagree

2019-04-14 19:05:50 UTC  

And just because they're Jews doesn't mean they are Israeli citizens. Jews have a right to immigrate to Israel. That's it. If they don't settle there permanently then no citizenship. I doubt if our problem Jews have ever even visited.

2019-04-14 19:29:26 UTC  

Ben Shapiro has too many neo-con tendencies in him. He was a nevertrumper in 2016.

2019-04-14 19:37:50 UTC  

I just dont like how the left and right want Isreal to be a Jewish ethnostate and the entier western world has to do everything to protect it while they dont want the same for Europeans

2019-04-14 19:40:17 UTC  

Why the fuck would they want to protect the Europeans?

2019-04-14 19:40:49 UTC  

They got kicked out of all their countries, so in their mind fuck them is probably all there is.

2019-04-14 19:41:14 UTC  

They can handle the muslims, but a western would be the end of them

2019-04-14 19:45:19 UTC  

All the more reason to ditch them and watch to Muslims swoop in and wipe them out

2019-04-14 20:16:00 UTC  

Except the muslims are a greater threat to us

2019-04-14 20:28:48 UTC  

The thing is the Jews are prepared to deal with muslims. They will root out and murder any trying to be subversive. They know they cant be complacent and have never forgotten. Where as we have muslims openly dismissing 9/11. It isnt the Jews fucking us, it's our own sense of morality blinding us to the real danger.

The Jews are capitalizing on us the only way we let them, by abusing or morality and mercy. The second we rid ourselves of it the Jews will cut it out and we will be fine.

2019-04-14 20:29:56 UTC  

It is also way easier to turn on the muslims than it is the Jews. Anyone hating Jews and thinks it's a rational course of action is a fucking moron.

2019-04-14 20:31:48 UTC  

Jews prey on weakness and ignorance, that is their strength. If you want to win vs them all you have to do is purge ignorance and weakness and they will be no threat.

2019-04-14 20:35:16 UTC  

I honestly wouldnt be surprised if the Jews are trying to wake us up to the muslim threat but the masses are too fucking stupid or hate Jews too much to deal with it.

2019-04-14 20:36:54 UTC  

I can just imagine a bunch of Jews sitting in some secret meeting saying : now that Omar is showing them that they have no respect surely they will wake up.

Only to now be like omfg what is it going to fucking take another 12 911s?

2019-04-14 20:37:39 UTC  

Muslims will fight us to the death, Jews will only do what you let them

2019-04-14 20:59:56 UTC  

I really don’t understand the Jew hatred.

2019-04-14 21:00:15 UTC  

Muslims are far more dangerous as a group than Jews are.

2019-04-14 21:01:31 UTC  

Also... @Ehzek that should be an SNL skit or something 🤣

2019-04-14 21:03:50 UTC  

I REALLY dont get it. Jooz run the media omfg. Juice are trying to subvert us everywhere. Meanwhile actual enemy in position of power " the biggest terrorist act you ever suffer wasnt that bad stop bitching".

2019-04-14 21:04:10 UTC  

And fucking nothing

2019-04-14 21:04:15 UTC  

Ben Shapiro is a huge never Trumper though. Despite his claims to the contrary. *referring to above*

2019-04-14 21:04:32 UTC  

I understand it honestly

2019-04-14 21:04:53 UTC  

But its because of peoples morals that it's like that

2019-04-14 21:06:01 UTC  

I get that Trump is a massive unapologetic dick and that rubs people the wrong way. But being that I was military I know that being a dick gets shit done when please and thank yous wont

2019-04-14 21:06:40 UTC  

If you are against Trump because he isnt nice you're a fucking retard

2019-04-14 21:06:41 UTC  

Yes exactly

2019-04-14 21:07:03 UTC  

I feel like Shapiro’s issue is he isn’t nice.