Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 487427520816480257

2018-09-07 00:48:18 UTC  

Also, I loved the Clone Wars.

2018-09-07 00:48:24 UTC  

Top-tier series.

2018-09-07 00:49:47 UTC  

yeah. they really got good. Rebels is ok with major flaws. You can feel the disney on it when it comes to the battles.

I pray that the last season of Clone Wars is good

2018-09-07 00:50:23 UTC  

They’re pretty much going off of the storyboard ideas before the axed the series.

2018-09-07 00:50:46 UTC  

Also, Rebels was bad. I watched the premiere and I did not like it.

2018-09-07 00:51:24 UTC  

I watched all 4 seasons. The best episodes are ones when Clone Wars characters are involved.

2018-09-07 00:51:33 UTC  

in season 2 Rex joined the team

2018-09-07 00:51:43 UTC  

and Ashoka fought Vader.

2018-09-07 00:52:04 UTC  

but the series has good moments..... and not good stories

2018-09-07 00:52:19 UTC  

*Insert then stealing fruit here.*

2018-09-07 00:55:33 UTC  

The best episode of the whole show is about the rebels crew hanging out with a bunch of old Clones. Kanan (the Jedi) hates them.

Then in the next episode Rex and Kanan have to work together and there's some character stuff. but the rebels never outgrow the older character's shadows.

In the season 2 final, I'm not cheering for Kanan and Ezra, I'm cheering for Ashoka and Maul

2018-09-07 00:56:20 UTC  

That’s pretty sad, if you ask me.

2018-09-07 00:56:54 UTC  

You should be cheering for the new characters, but they simply pale in comparison to the characters who come along later in the series.

2018-09-07 00:58:34 UTC  

The only "New" villain that grows into his own in rebels is Thrawn. The season 3 and 4 villain. But that's largely because he's a fan favorite EU character.

He kicks the heroes butts in the season 3 final but does very little in the end.

2018-09-07 00:59:45 UTC  

Yeah, I really am disappointed with his portrayal in the show.

2018-09-07 01:00:11 UTC  

in short Rebels is 20% good, 60% meh, 20% garbage.

2018-09-07 01:00:19 UTC  

Thrawn is literally a mastermind genius who has been used by pro-Imperial fans as their idol character.

2018-09-07 01:01:04 UTC  

I love him as a character (looks over at self with 3 versions of the classic Thrawn novels

2018-09-07 01:01:22 UTC  

The Thrawn Trilogy is a masterpiece of writing.

2018-09-07 01:01:52 UTC  

Easily one of the best novel series in modern sci-fi.

2018-09-07 01:02:56 UTC  

yeah. apparently the new thrawn books written by the same guy set before Rebels are really good too. With Thrawn outwitting and earning the respect of Vader

2018-09-07 01:10:23 UTC  

Well, yeah, Timothy Zahn is the best writer they can get at this point. The problem is that he’s working with far weaker writers like Chuck “Anyone who criticizes my novels is a Homophobe” Wendig.

2018-09-07 01:11:40 UTC  

But, either way, I’ve simply boycotted buying most of the stuff anyways.

2018-09-07 01:13:43 UTC  

yeah. I will say that the Star Wars Comics have been good.

2018-09-07 01:13:51 UTC  

Darth Vadar is great

2018-09-07 01:14:16 UTC  

I don’t really look at the comics Michu

2018-09-07 01:14:19 UTC  


2018-09-07 01:14:59 UTC  

All of marval's non SJW writers went there I think. Because that's when Maval comics got crap and SJW when Star Wars started up

2018-09-07 01:22:14 UTC  


2018-09-07 01:43:45 UTC  

100,000 dislikes.

No one could have dreamed that Star Wars would end up being this disliked...

2018-09-07 01:45:25 UTC  

Man has Disney ever thought of hiring a second artist? Their cartoons have been drawn the same as far back as I can remember

2018-09-07 01:45:42 UTC  

yikes..... don't even get me started...... This is the first Star Wars show project with none of the clone Wars people at the helm and it shows

2018-09-07 01:54:54 UTC  

The trailer is bad and the argument everyone is using is “it’s a kid’s show.”

2018-09-07 03:23:58 UTC  

The other shows were kids shows

2018-09-07 03:24:33 UTC  

Hell the first one was basic as hell but had great story and reception.

2018-09-07 19:07:37 UTC  

Absolute Chad

2018-09-07 22:29:40 UTC

2018-09-08 00:24:42 UTC  

>Be Lincoln.
>Run for President.
>Say you want to intentionally infringe on the rights of the states and new territories to prevent them from "expanding slavery."
>Southern States call you out on this and claim such an act is tyrannical.
>Ignore them.
>Win while only getting 39% of the national vote in a four-way election and claiming only the Northern States.
>Southern States secede, determining that Lincoln is not serving for the best interests of the South.
>Same states send you numerous requests to go to the negotiating table to come up with a compromise.
>Refuse all requests.
>South Carolina then demands the Island Fort Sumter is on to be returned to them, since they are not a part of the Union anymore.
>Ignore them and resupply the fort, continuing the occupation of the fort in defiance of South Carolina's demand.
>Fort Sumter is fired upon and seized without any casualties and surrendered formally to South Carolina with the only deaths resulting from an accident unrelated to the bombardment.
>Call for 75,000 troops afterwards to "crush a rebellion."
>Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas secede after the call of troops, determining the action to be tyrannical and a direct threat to their sovereignty and their people's rights.
>Proceed to carry out a war you had the power to avoid and result in the deaths of 2-4% of the Country's population, resulting in the decimation of the southern white male population, the destruction of the South's economy, and breeding the next 100 years of racism as a result.
>People in 2018: "LiNcOlN DiDn'T iNsTiGaTe ThE wAr!"

2018-09-08 01:13:37 UTC  

Technically he still didnt

2018-09-08 01:15:18 UTC  

And Fort Sumter would still be the Norths base regardless of who owned South Carolina