Message from @Little Boots

Discord ID: 487846962209619969

2018-09-08 02:30:39 UTC  

Because, unlike Lincoln, Jackson would have gone to the negotiating table.

2018-09-08 02:30:46 UTC  

The north also refused to comply with fugitive slave laws

2018-09-08 02:31:16 UTC  

*Some* politicians did, others did not.

2018-09-08 02:31:22 UTC  

Jackson did in fact confront the south when they threatened to secede over taxes and tariffs. He threatened them, they backed down.

2018-09-08 02:31:39 UTC  

You can refer to Jefferson Davis as a good example of how it wasn't a clear cut-and-dry thing.

2018-09-08 02:31:57 UTC  

Ragnarok, he confronted the South *in order to get them to the negotiating table.*

2018-09-08 02:32:08 UTC  

Lincoln simply refused any form of negotiation.

2018-09-08 02:33:07 UTC  

Lincoln wanted to get his way as President and be the judge, jury, and executioner on the slavery debate, which was the problem. It isn't the right of the President to force their opinion as fact, regardless of the issue in question. The President is meant to be the executioner, not the Judge and Jury.

2018-09-08 02:33:33 UTC  

What negotiation does there need to be?

2018-09-08 02:34:04 UTC  

Hmm does that mean Trump should still enforce Obamacare?

2018-09-08 02:35:44 UTC  

Did you read anything I've said or are you just jumping to conclusions?

2018-09-08 02:36:51 UTC  

The President is the executioner. His job is to execute what Congress passes. He has the option to not execute plans, if need be, and can veto bills when they come across his desk. However, he doesn't have the power to make the laws.

2018-09-08 02:38:17 UTC  

Hence why Lincoln wanting to get his way on the slavery debate (i.e. halting the expansion of slavery) was seen as him overstepping is boundaries as President. Lincoln did not have the right nor the power to get his way on the issue. He was there to execute what Congress passes and enforce the laws, not the make them himself.

2018-09-08 02:38:30 UTC  

That is the fundamental problem.

2018-09-08 02:49:17 UTC  

Sounds an awful lot like a Democrat unhappy with the current president, and I know you're better than that

2018-09-08 02:49:31 UTC  

I will give you this though, the Battle Flag is awesome

2018-09-08 02:55:10 UTC  

It isnt that Lincoln would end slavery, the Republicans would and the Dems didnt get their guy in to veto it. It doesnt matter what percent of the vote Lincoln got, he won. Its really no different than what just happened with Trump.

2018-09-08 04:19:13 UTC  

Or, you know, people who had legitimate fears that Lincoln was going to act like a defacto tyrant only to have him act like a defacto tyrant...

2018-09-08 04:21:07 UTC  

Also, the problem here is that Lincoln won only the Northern States. The North had become more powerful than the South and, in turn, the South was being neglected as a region.

2018-09-08 04:28:33 UTC  

Like people have legitimate fears of Trump was going to act like a defacto tyrant accordig to their beliefs? It would be no different than if leftist states succeeded now and Trump took actions to stop them.

The best part is even though the south lost the war and subsequently had numerous legislative judicial and executive actions taken on them the south is stronger than it has ever been.

You may not like how it happened or the shit you take because of it, but it was for the best.

2018-09-08 04:49:39 UTC  

No because, unlike the irrationality of the left, southerners actually had a point to bring up because, unlike Trump, Lincoln openly said he wanted to have his way and his way alone, essentially throwing compromise out of the window on an issue that demanded it. Not only that, but their fears were vilified when Lincoln Unconstitutionally suspended the writ of Habeus Corpus in Maryland in 1862, which is considered an act of tyranny. Trump has done none of these things.

2018-09-08 04:51:08 UTC  

For any analogy to be correct, it would have to be more along the lines of someone, like Trump, essentially saying that he will illegalize Abortion outright without any consideration of the opposition’s opinions and not permitting them to have a say.

2018-09-08 04:52:26 UTC  

That is the problem and the South, having already been fed up with the North becoming too powerful, simply took matters into their own hands and seceded from the Union, continually trying to get Lincoln to reconsider his position the entire time.

2018-09-08 04:55:00 UTC  

Lincoln didnt even do anything until after they did so no it would be similar

2018-09-08 05:00:21 UTC  

Unless you want to show me where its constitutional to secede from the country. There is also the part where "other countries" arent protected by the constitution.

2018-09-08 05:12:14 UTC  

“Lincoln didn’t do nuffin’!”

2018-09-08 05:12:34 UTC  

Sounds like the Northern narrative to me.

2018-09-08 05:13:14 UTC  

Lincoln made some pretty bad decisions based on principle. Decisions that only led to the war and made it inevitable.

2018-09-08 05:43:35 UTC  

As did the southerners, first I might add.

2018-09-08 05:44:15 UTC  

Again please show where seceding is legal in the constitution.

2018-09-08 05:50:41 UTC  

Anything is legal unless specified otherwise, Ehzek. You don’t prove innocence, but rather guilt. Similarly, you don’t prove legality, but rather illegality. Secession was, and technically still is, legal under the Constitution. Also, the South made at least several offers to Lincoln to have him reconsider his position, but it was Lincoln who ignored them and dismissed them.

2018-09-08 05:56:55 UTC  

So murder is legal since the Constitution doesn't address it? Constitutional law applies to actions by the government

2018-09-08 05:57:26 UTC  

Now I'm not saying the rebels were all bad. I'm not here to disparage Lee and others like him. I don't want to rename schools or tear down statues

2018-09-08 06:00:46 UTC  

Lincoln wasn't even inaugurated when they seceded

2018-09-08 06:03:03 UTC  

But it doesn’t matter because Lincoln already expressed his desire to only have his way beforehand, which is the entire problem. It’d be the equivalent of a Democrat running for the complete abolition of the right of the states to manage their own education systems and saying you will not have it any other way. It’s a bad idea that will guarantee people will rebel against that.

2018-09-08 06:04:05 UTC  

Uh we're talking about slavery here

2018-09-08 06:04:43 UTC  

And the right of determination of the legality of slavery was a right of the state.

2018-09-08 06:04:53 UTC  

And Fort Sumter was held by the 1st US Artillery Regiment, Batteries E and H. Not by the 1st South Carolina Artillery Regiment. Not state troops.

2018-09-08 06:05:10 UTC  

Ok so basically you're arguing in favor of states deciding to have slaves

2018-09-08 06:05:17 UTC  

C'mon man you're better than that

2018-09-08 06:05:32 UTC  

And Fort Sumter was built on South Carolinian territory, meaning that the state of South Carolina had the right to request the fort back.