Message from @Ehzek

Discord ID: 487871033056165888

2018-09-08 06:15:34 UTC  

First, there is no right to secede

2018-09-08 06:16:18 UTC  

Second, you cannot as a government entity make an agreement and then change your mind later even if secession is legal. Secession does nothing to alter the fact that South Carolina is a government entity.

2018-09-08 06:16:43 UTC  

The State of South Carolina as a government exists regardless of if it is part of the United States or the Confederate States

2018-09-08 06:18:21 UTC  

The same state militia, state laws, state officials, etc exist in perpetuity regardless of any association with the US

2018-09-08 06:18:23 UTC  

“First there is not right to secede.”

Again, anything and everything is legal unless specified otherwise.

2018-09-08 06:18:33 UTC  

Secession is legal.

2018-09-08 06:18:41 UTC  

So murder is legal since the Constitution doesn't address it

2018-09-08 06:18:50 UTC  

Straw man.

2018-09-08 06:19:10 UTC  

Secession is a Constitutional matter.

2018-09-08 06:19:45 UTC  

And the Constitution does not say anything against it and it can be inferred as a right of a state via the 10th Amendment clause.

2018-09-08 06:20:40 UTC  

(I.e. any powers not granted nor specified to be powers of the federal government are reserved for the states and the citizens of the United States.)

2018-09-08 06:20:50 UTC  

Ergo, secession is legal.

2018-09-08 06:20:53 UTC  

You know by your own argument then the Confederates didnt have a right to habeas corpus

2018-09-08 06:21:33 UTC  

The right to murder is not granted to the federal government. Thus it goes to the states or the people

2018-09-08 06:21:53 UTC  

The right to own slaves as well

2018-09-08 06:22:04 UTC  

Prior to the passing of relevant amendments

2018-09-08 06:22:38 UTC  

And as seccesion isnt covered in the constitution and the constitution binds the states to the federal government. It would be logical to require the government and state to determine the seccesion terms. You know like giving fort sumter to them legally.

2018-09-08 06:23:59 UTC  

You would have a better foundation by standing on the natural right of rebellion in the case of extreme oppression, which morally justified our own war of independence

2018-09-08 06:24:43 UTC  

The whole seccesion was impulsive childish and considerably less than legally acceptable way to do it. They literally rage quit the union on only their terms.

2018-09-08 06:24:52 UTC  

But we find no extreme oppression in the south to justify it. From your argument all we have are that the rich people of the south were scared the government was gonna free the slaves

2018-09-08 06:25:18 UTC  

I can agree with that actually

2018-09-08 06:25:32 UTC  

That's basically what he said

2018-09-08 06:26:23 UTC  

The ordinary citizen of the South did not own slaves. The ones who did were usually wealthy, some upper class people as well. Maybe a few middle upper might own some house servants

2018-09-08 06:26:32 UTC  

The South was a region that was underdeveloped and underpopulated starting in the 1820’s.

2018-09-08 06:26:59 UTC  

As early as the 1830’s, there were already major problems being observed between the north and south.

2018-09-08 06:27:32 UTC  

Major problems does not mean extreme oppression

2018-09-08 06:28:22 UTC  

The only oppression is that they refused to honor the terms of their contract to the government

2018-09-08 06:28:53 UTC  

They were trying to bully the north when they couldnt do so legally

2018-09-08 06:29:26 UTC  

And as noted in your tree stump argument most southerners didnt even have slaves

2018-09-08 06:29:54 UTC  

So why freeing slaved oppressed the entirety of the south is unexplainable

2018-09-08 06:30:16 UTC  

The nullification crisis of 1832 is a prime example of how things between the regions had soured massively, since the entire crisis came about as a result of a tariff that unfairly impacts southern port cities over northern port cities. This had been done with little to no consent from the Southern states because, by the 1830’s, the North had already gotten powerful enough to begin getting their way a good portion of the time when compared tot he South. As a result, many southern states nullified the bill in question, resulting in such a major crisis that Andrew Jackson had to get involved to mediate the entire renegotiation of the tariff and tax bills in order to ensure a fair compromise.

2018-09-08 06:30:18 UTC  

It pissed off the rich people, who then sent the poor people to fight and die for them

2018-09-08 06:30:49 UTC  

Then give up slaves to reverse the tariffs

2018-09-08 06:31:08 UTC  

O wait the south wasnt so just as that.

2018-09-08 06:31:31 UTC  

It’s not just “dah rich pepol” of the south, it’s the north simply getting their way due to having more people and, in turn, more congressmen and senators than the South.

2018-09-08 06:31:44 UTC  

Also you dont need consent from everyone to ratify something

2018-09-08 06:31:51 UTC  

I dont see a problem

2018-09-08 06:32:15 UTC  

Tariffs of 1857, written by a Virginia senator, gave them lower tariffs than they'd seen in half a century

2018-09-08 06:32:20 UTC  

The south has become marginalized and almost entirely forgotten just as “flyover country” is almost always forgotten in politics.

2018-09-08 06:32:35 UTC  

There were no planes

2018-09-08 06:32:43 UTC  

Democrats controlled Congress until losing the House in 1859