Message from @Major Kay.
Discord ID: 446091767163387904
This one
yes, the thonk
stuff of nightmares
Cruz caught in a lie
"Trump supports planned parenthood"
Lyin Ted Cruz
if we're posting throwbacks to pre-November 2016
I was cruzing for jeb memes and found those faces
Seen this
good news
Non-malignant kidney growth
Still surgery sucks
Still winning
All the wins
The pope is a heretic
I might be misremembering my Revelations but isn’t there supposed to be an Anti-Pope before the end days?
*anti christ
If i remember correctly all it says is that he would be from the north and have 3 kids and have a lot of power
However take my word with a grain of salt
Also a wife
Humm I might be getting revelations and history confused lol I know at one time there were two popes
There have been a great deal of bad popes
In fact the postion of pope is heresy
Only Catholics believe in him
no yes, there is an "Anti-pope"
it is the False Prophet
3 evil frogs
Didn't the Holy Roman Empire have an anti pope?
Pepe boi kermit