Message from @BillClintonFriskyHands

Discord ID: 446156886098575361

2018-05-16 03:36:30 UTC  

but they'll try every other damn way

2018-05-16 03:38:31 UTC  

Man what is this NK shit

2018-05-16 03:39:12 UTC  

Baseless bull

2018-05-16 03:39:34 UTC  

NK hasnt made any demands as far as Im aware

2018-05-16 03:39:37 UTC  

Will trump lose summit? Find out tomorrow

2018-05-16 03:39:46 UTC  

Rocketman might be feeling like he is gettign politically steamrolled and is wantign to rattle the sabres a bit

2018-05-16 03:40:14 UTC  

Idk he has been vocal as of late

2018-05-16 03:40:28 UTC  

I would expect them to source the official

2018-05-16 03:41:29 UTC  

We will see fireworks if this goes south

2018-05-16 03:42:02 UTC  

Maybe, Maybe not. Stuff liek this has gone south before with other presidents and it didnt turn into a shooting war

2018-05-16 03:42:19 UTC  

Its a little different nowadays

2018-05-16 03:42:41 UTC  

They have nukes.
They shooting towards japan
They... I guess can reach u.s

2018-05-16 03:43:17 UTC  

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

2018-05-16 03:44:17 UTC  

The USSR had nukes. They could reach us. REagan walked away from a summit liek this. a few years later the berlin wall fell

2018-05-16 03:45:45 UTC  

Rocketman is trying to play big. He doesnt understand (or does understand and is simply posturing) that he doesnt hold the cards here.

2018-05-16 03:46:12 UTC  

His nation is built on propaganda

2018-05-16 03:46:29 UTC  

That alone makes me wonder how the hell Rocketman is going to go through with any peace

2018-05-16 03:46:45 UTC  

Nk is a nuke stage prop for china

2018-05-16 03:47:14 UTC  

Cuba; USSR

2018-05-16 03:47:27 UTC  


2018-05-16 03:48:10 UTC  

Cuba doing double cross on diplomats lately

2018-05-16 03:48:10 UTC  

The difference is I dont think China would dare threaten the US like that. Their economy would implode

2018-05-16 03:48:39 UTC  

Are we witnessing a repeat of the 80's

2018-05-16 03:48:55 UTC  

Things are similar.

2018-05-16 03:49:05 UTC  

Eerily similar

2018-05-16 03:49:23 UTC  

A prsident is talking tough and fixing problems and all teh talking heads are losing their shit thinking we are headed for nuclear annihilation

2018-05-16 03:50:23 UTC  

Honestly I don't think we are. As much as my anxiety Is making me freak out, I don't see it happening

2018-05-16 03:50:44 UTC  

Economies worldwide would turn to shit and there would be too much devastation

2018-05-16 03:50:54 UTC  

See what? Nukes? I dont see it from the Norks. Iran worries me a bit

2018-05-16 03:51:33 UTC  

Iran will solve itself soon. With the middle east condemning Iran's rhetoric

2018-05-16 03:52:07 UTC  

I'm hopeful the citizens will be able to rise up. Its not an easy ask for them though.

2018-05-16 03:53:05 UTC  

Russia may be a scary figure but they're at least reasonable. If NK or Iran tried to nuke us, I don't see them getting involved unless we hit them

2018-05-16 03:54:05 UTC  

Its only fair that we defend ourselves

2018-05-16 03:55:07 UTC  

The world seems mad enough as it is. If anyone nukes anythign the world will go insane.

2018-05-16 03:56:25 UTC  

Yeah true. But this will all turn out okay one way or another

2018-05-16 03:56:28 UTC  

Iran could have a rogue nuke

2018-05-16 03:57:02 UTC  

Through russia/black markets. I mean for fuck sake it's a 75 yr old tech

2018-05-16 03:57:17 UTC  

I dont predict nuclear holocaust either. I dont know what would happen if soemone nuked something. I dont know what the response would be. I am not convinced a response would e retaliatory nukes.

2018-05-16 03:57:55 UTC  

Especially form one of these podunk countries like Iran or North Korea

2018-05-16 03:58:21 UTC  

75 year old tech vs unnamed technology the U.S. has that none of us know about.

2018-05-16 03:58:57 UTC  

Is iran and Nk talking together?