Message from @Mf1399

Discord ID: 446161265208066059

2018-05-16 03:55:07 UTC  

The world seems mad enough as it is. If anyone nukes anythign the world will go insane.

2018-05-16 03:56:25 UTC  

Yeah true. But this will all turn out okay one way or another

2018-05-16 03:56:28 UTC  

Iran could have a rogue nuke

2018-05-16 03:57:02 UTC  

Through russia/black markets. I mean for fuck sake it's a 75 yr old tech

2018-05-16 03:57:17 UTC  

I dont predict nuclear holocaust either. I dont know what would happen if soemone nuked something. I dont know what the response would be. I am not convinced a response would e retaliatory nukes.

2018-05-16 03:57:55 UTC  

Especially form one of these podunk countries like Iran or North Korea

2018-05-16 03:58:21 UTC  

75 year old tech vs unnamed technology the U.S. has that none of us know about.

2018-05-16 03:58:57 UTC  

Is iran and Nk talking together?

2018-05-16 03:59:16 UTC  

Odd pair

2018-05-16 03:59:28 UTC  

Not sure tbh. Wouldn't be surprised

2018-05-16 03:59:43 UTC  

That's the rumor but I've never heard it talked about much at all

2018-05-16 04:00:19 UTC  

No new group link? Is this the only place for GET ophans?

2018-05-16 04:00:22 UTC  

1# reason why there won't be nuclear war: Jews don't want it either

2018-05-16 04:00:47 UTC  

That would make Jews teh savior of mankind

2018-05-16 04:00:50 UTC  

Nope. There's a private group I believe

2018-05-16 04:01:18 UTC  

True lol but in reality what would they gain from it besides absolute destruction

2018-05-16 04:01:31 UTC  

Waht would anyone gain

2018-05-16 04:01:51 UTC  

Yet countries keep threatening it. Small countries angry that they are small

2018-05-16 04:03:05 UTC  

In Irans case they might well do it just on religious grounds. It doesnt have to make sense

2018-05-16 04:04:22 UTC  

Allahu Akbar

2018-05-16 04:05:34 UTC  

They'll all be meeting Allah if they try to nuke us

2018-05-16 04:07:23 UTC  

All the more reason to hope the people of Iran work up the courage to try and change whats going on in Iran. Tehre are alot of decent Iranians who want no part of this but they would get cauguht up in any response

2018-05-16 04:08:16 UTC  

All the more reason to despise Obama. Tehy tried years ago and Obama ignored them...

2018-05-16 04:08:59 UTC  

Of course now. They try again a lot of people in this discrod would be screaming bloody murder if Trump interfered.

2018-05-16 04:09:21 UTC  


2018-05-16 04:10:19 UTC  


2018-05-16 04:10:23 UTC  


2018-05-16 04:19:33 UTC  


2018-05-16 04:19:41 UTC  

That's crazy tho tbh

2018-05-16 04:21:22 UTC  


2018-05-16 04:29:17 UTC  

Huh, Kinda funny lol. Idk. This whole situation in the world freaks me out

2018-05-16 04:30:32 UTC  

Nothing I can do about it besides sit back and watch

2018-05-16 04:34:48 UTC  

I'm changing my life the best that I can

2018-05-16 04:37:04 UTC  

Im back

2018-05-16 04:37:38 UTC  


2018-05-16 04:37:54 UTC  

Collectiveism is bad

2018-05-16 04:38:04 UTC  

Free thought

2018-05-16 04:38:40 UTC  


2018-05-16 04:39:37 UTC  

@Mf1399. Feeling better?

2018-05-16 04:40:01 UTC  

Collectivism is bad? WTF??

2018-05-16 04:40:11 UTC  

Maybe but I get your point