Message from @Major Kay.

Discord ID: 446732199006437379

2018-05-17 17:12:07 UTC  

Don't unpin this

2018-05-17 17:12:37 UTC

2018-05-17 17:12:39 UTC  

Can anyone join the voice chat? This is gonna be a fun evening

2018-05-17 17:12:53 UTC  

You forgot to ask if zucc is a human 😂

2018-05-17 17:13:01 UTC  


2018-05-17 17:13:22 UTC  


2018-05-17 17:13:27 UTC  

I will not be on most of tonight

2018-05-17 17:15:02 UTC  


2018-05-17 17:15:07 UTC  


2018-05-17 17:18:41 UTC

2018-05-17 17:19:24 UTC  


2018-05-17 17:23:19 UTC  

Did someone say voice chat

2018-05-17 17:23:37 UTC  


2018-05-17 17:24:00 UTC  

I hope facebook isn't just stringing this along hoping they can kill GET in a waiting game. Is there a point at which the admins will move on to another platform?

2018-05-17 17:35:44 UTC  


2018-05-17 17:52:26 UTC  

The Lee Stainbrook fa🅱️🅱️ot is regularly posting on BCL and I'm having trouble not going off on him

2018-05-17 17:52:32 UTC  

When you try to read toms email on your phone but you’re bombarded with ads that it crashes your browser

2018-05-17 17:52:36 UTC  

Mission accomplished

2018-05-17 17:54:16 UTC  


2018-05-17 17:54:27 UTC  

Being classically liberal

2018-05-17 17:54:32 UTC  


2018-05-17 17:54:45 UTC  

Is such a shitty backup page but I don't have a choice

2018-05-17 17:55:37 UTC  

So many lolbertarian retards trying to call me a bootlicker because I show the cops my license when I get pulled over and roll down my window 🙄

2018-05-17 17:56:54 UTC  

Could someone please explain to me what's up with the "libertarians"? I never really got into it to see for myself

2018-05-17 17:57:30 UTC  

It's the one area I've been lacking an understanding of

2018-05-17 17:57:36 UTC  

It really depends on the depth of their beliefs, moderate libertarians and conservatives share a lot of values

2018-05-17 17:58:16 UTC  

It's the fucking retards that don't think we should be policed taxed at all and everyone should be able to do whatever they want that ruin that ideology

2018-05-17 17:58:52 UTC  

So, basically pseudo-anarchy

2018-05-17 18:00:35 UTC  

I'd rather place my trust in restoring the constitutional republic we've had for 200+ years thank you very much lmao

2018-05-17 18:02:51 UTC  

The most extreme of them aren't any different than anarchists really. For example I don't care if I'm taxed so long as I can direct where that money goes or doesn't go, which is a founding principle of this country. It went away in the early 20th century

2018-05-17 18:03:24 UTC  

The income tax was the biggest mistake this country ever made right up there with getting off the gold standard

2018-05-17 18:04:03 UTC  

I've been pretty pissed ever since I started paying state taxes to Maryland

2018-05-17 18:04:29 UTC  

Maryland's gov't is mostly run by blue libtards running for their re-election for the tenth time

2018-05-17 18:05:36 UTC  

I have no choice but to fund shit like Planned Parenthood and such, or else I'll be criminally prosecuted.

2018-05-17 18:06:12 UTC  

Don’t get me started on taxes.. liberals are trying to tax us on CO2 now🙄

2018-05-17 18:06:35 UTC  

Oh my state tried like hell to get a rain tax when O'Mally was governor

2018-05-17 18:06:49 UTC  

that sadistic fuck ran for president alongside the dems in 2016

2018-05-17 18:08:11 UTC  

What’s the saying ? If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.

2018-05-17 18:08:43 UTC  

How do you tax the rain?