Message from @Slav
Discord ID: 263592961135083520
look at this genius
if you find a way to replace christianity with a secular dogmatic ideology
you mean the early middle ages?
until then
the proper historical term
pointless debate
the dark ages means the time when there wasnt a lot of literature about that period
thus dark ages
around that time
the term dark ages was coined by people from the ''enlightenment''
when they wrote about the early middle ages
the monks of christianity, fro ireland, saved a lot fo books
and there's a bookt hat argues very well that had it not been for christianity
there'd have been a longer period when people had to rise out of the germanic bullshit post-western roman death
sure as hell made it possible to move to secularism
4rth crusade and shiet
sorry i was out for a bit, i was fixing some mic problems
alright dude enough
you do not insult my ancestors
that's political intrigue m8, kinda like how france, a catholic country, joined the side of the proddies during the 30 years war
i can't stand spergs who counter signal against kebab removers
which was proddies vs scatholics
it's a very simplistic worldview
and being an actual natsoc is autistic
eh, the libertarian view point is more of my thing than the natsoc
natsoc a okay
better right than left
yeah ofc but it's really cringy
at least to me
like people who worship hitler
i mean he is great for pushing the buttons of leftists
but he is nowhere near the ideal leader
hitler was a druggie meth addict
I like fascism, right wing authoritarianism is my strain
among other things
this guy again