Message from @Victus Shmmidtt
Discord ID: 448955077705728002
More like make them transparent besides trump 🤔
Keep in mind the vets (including two of my uncles asked for 25M over 5 years
This is what Canada has become
And yes. he said we didn't have money to spare right before giving 74M to people crossing the border
Tell me that it's true
Very true
He dislikes Trump but agrees with him on a few things and is anti-establishment media
Even people who are not big fans of Trump can contribute to the fight. In the end it helps Trump anyways.
Yeah, My cousin who's a liberal is a die hard fan of him, Maybe this will wake him up a bit
Honestly its not even right or left that much its normal humans with values versus degenerates. My grandmother is a boomer and was a liberal now she is a die hard Trump supporter
A lot of people in the country seem to be lacking in values
Tell me about it I am going to college to be a Physician Assistant and its an echochamber. Everyone is lgbtqrstuv and sleeping around. I cant find a good quality conservative woman haha
i like elon musk, he's a weird dude
Same, He's smart, Scary smart
I haven't done enough research on him to have an opinion.
Definitely should sometime
I will
Conservative women are mainly in the Midwest or online
I live in Commiefornia and it's almost a dry well except up north
Isn't there a dating website for trump supporters? Lol
5 to 1 guy ratio
no thanks
To think, Ronald Reagan used to be the Governor of California
That's what happens when you embrace amnesty
Your homestate turns deep blue
Quick read
fake news
It explains a quick synopsis about how Trump's uncle research Nikola Tesla's research in a reverse engineering for the government. But it's up to you to research John Titor
Its fun to believe
Yeah it is. But if it happens, Then is happens. We'll see.
then it happens*
John Titor?
is now a normie
At anyrate Trumps predictions seem to come true in most cases