Message from @juice
Discord ID: 449909766697910274
religions and feminism two sides of the same coin
that has nothing to do with teh video that I posted
go listen to it again
I did watch it. What you said has nothing to do with what I posted.
keep watching until u see it
Stop trying to force your nonsense int oa video that that it does not apply to
Sjwism is definitely a religion.
It's called Judaism tbh fam.
Nah. The SJWs seem to like islam waaaaaaaaay fucking more than the jews
Did you know religious Jews believe they will one day be physically resurrected đŸ¤”
imagine being a backwards inbred jew 2000 years ago thinking that you will be rewarded with goy slaves for believing in judeism and then some guy named Christ comes along and tells you "no slaves". Would u kill him?
Not sure if good or bad
its time for your first transgender suicide pilot
well at least they cant use the excuse that vets cant find work
though this is entirely voluntary and is solely based on the needs of the industry
Fkn drama llamas
is there a new Meme War going on right now?
FB Group is producing Memes enmasse!
Huh. Denmark is becoming pretty based. there's hope for europe yet folks
WTF I love my Danish Cookies inside Tin Cans more now!
I return
Need pun help. Working on short series in style of Fist of the North Star, but Trump is the Kenshiro character and the Swamp is the wasteland town he rolls into.
What's a patriot/Trump style play on the title of Fist of the North Star?
Trump of the North Swamp?
good jump off point will think as i doodle
Pol operation against hoggboi.
I called for it in FB at the GET Group
Commence Meme War Economy boyz!
full wartime production
Kekistani Armies Mobilize
whats up homos
total war