Message from @TheLegendBDT

Discord ID: 450022008227495947

2018-05-26 18:38:33 UTC  

the BUF adopted a uniform with a black shirt

2018-05-26 18:38:40 UTC  

after mussolini

2018-05-26 18:38:53 UTC  

Mosley was a socialist who became disillusioned

2018-05-26 18:44:38 UTC  

It's True Folks

2018-05-26 19:17:40 UTC  

So what's all this about Morgan Freeman now.

2018-05-26 19:18:18 UTC  

More MeToo stuff

2018-05-26 19:22:53 UTC  

All I see on Tumblr is 'Women accuse him of sexual assault decades prior' and everyone crusifying him based off that alone

2018-05-26 19:23:21 UTC  

I'll post a link

2018-05-26 19:25:51 UTC  

I haven't read into it enough to have an answer but what I do know is this point and accuse stuff is completely bypassing due process and is slanderous if it is untrue. Both of which are illegal.

2018-05-26 19:40:16 UTC  

i read a comment where someone said that there should be a limited amount of time where someone can accuse another of assault/rape

2018-05-26 19:40:28 UTC  

say maybe 10 years or so

2018-05-26 19:40:57 UTC  

afterwhich allegations of such events are thrown out

2018-05-26 19:41:48 UTC  

its fucking stupid how these women are waiting 10 15 20 years+ to suddenly come out with "HE RAPED ME 15 YRS AGO IM JUST NOW TELLING YOU"

2018-05-26 19:43:25 UTC  

in addition id say if there was no trial for said rape/assault (meaning the "victim" never came forward and told anyone at the time), then if after such a 10yr grace period you cannot accuse someone of said rape/assault

2018-05-26 19:43:49 UTC  

to quote one of my instructors

2018-05-26 19:44:04 UTC  

"procrastination does not create a crisis on my part"

2018-05-26 19:44:30 UTC  

"grow up and accept responsibility for your decisions"

2018-05-26 19:44:31 UTC  

It's like those witch tests from the 1600's where if he doesn't say anything he is guilty and if he tries to defend himself that means he is guilty

2018-05-26 19:45:54 UTC  

this is why some of these decades-long murder mysteries are hopelessly unsolvable

2018-05-26 19:46:47 UTC  

the evidence has either become illegible or worn away by time, or the witnesses have died etc

2018-05-26 19:48:04 UTC  

Why do the recent celebrity sexual assault scandals come in pairs of like 8 accusors? Does everyone want a payout?

2018-05-26 19:50:50 UTC  

for that matter, makes you wonder where all of trumps sexual assault victims disappeared to

2018-05-26 19:51:18 UTC  

stormy daniels wasnt a victim, she just wanted the donalds massive dong and his money

2018-05-26 19:51:37 UTC  

not his nor our fault that shes a fucking whore

2018-05-26 19:58:33 UTC  

Really can't wait for Trump to win another election to see just how much farther the far left will drop to

2018-05-26 19:58:56 UTC  

Already defending pedophiles, gangs, terrorists, not sure where they can go next

2018-05-26 19:59:23 UTC  

They'll defend aliens

2018-05-26 20:00:10 UTC  

If aliens were to invade right now, They would side with them before us

2018-05-26 20:03:01 UTC  

>Aliens come
>Whole cities burn
>"We have to be tolerant of these people because their violence is the result of intergalactic oppression by the inequality of cosmic patriarchy."

2018-05-26 20:03:19 UTC  


2018-05-26 20:05:34 UTC  

yep -_-

2018-05-26 20:05:50 UTC  

libs are as dumb as rocks sometimes

2018-05-26 20:05:57 UTC  

70% of the time

2018-05-26 20:06:02 UTC  


2018-05-26 20:06:06 UTC  


2018-05-26 20:06:17 UTC  


2018-05-26 20:06:42 UTC  

When Trump wins his second term the liberals are going to plot assasinations more and try to revolt. The poor unarmed bastards.

2018-05-26 20:06:44 UTC  

Well for the things classical libs gave us can we settle at 99%?

2018-05-26 20:07:31 UTC  

But classical liberalism is what led to this point

2018-05-26 20:07:54 UTC