Message from @Slav
Discord ID: 263593856107413504
that's political intrigue m8, kinda like how france, a catholic country, joined the side of the proddies during the 30 years war
i can't stand spergs who counter signal against kebab removers
which was proddies vs scatholics
it's a very simplistic worldview
and being an actual natsoc is autistic
eh, the libertarian view point is more of my thing than the natsoc
natsoc a okay
better right than left
yeah ofc but it's really cringy
at least to me
like people who worship hitler
i mean he is great for pushing the buttons of leftists
but he is nowhere near the ideal leader
hitler was a druggie meth addict
I like fascism, right wing authoritarianism is my strain
among other things
this guy again
right wing libertarian ree
jesus christ, where do they come from
who was banned
the Jesus guy
"Nazis were a Jewish plot"
also what's with the evocati, centurion, sentator, etc. Obviously its a hierarchy and I saw Ms. Pettibone at the top with the senators
but what do the rest do
idk man, HFT set it up
The Senators have the mod powers I think
he set it up so that he could call himself caesar
the rest may just be for show
i think
that's obvious
but what do the rest do is what i was wondering
he should've went for Kaiser
lol yeah
you would be an obergruppenfuhrer then
same shit, different spelling