Message from @fsmetal

Discord ID: 451991663124938753

2018-06-01 06:08:03 UTC  

as awesome as it was

2018-06-01 06:08:07 UTC  

Even animated?

2018-06-01 06:08:11 UTC  


2018-06-01 06:08:33 UTC  

not a drop

2018-06-01 06:09:03 UTC  

Yeah, the fact that we're a pro-trump group is ban material enough. anything NSFW is just icing on the cake

2018-06-01 06:09:37 UTC  

I have a lovely Panzer Kops gif of a guy getting hosed by an MG-42 but since there is gore I can not show it.

2018-06-01 06:09:42 UTC  

hey kiddo, wanna gas the kikes? just click on this link

2018-06-01 06:10:24 UTC  

You want gore go to 4Chan

2018-06-01 06:10:27 UTC  

Hey kid. Wanna throw commies out of a helicopter

2018-06-01 06:10:30 UTC  

Guess we cant have most Hellsing stuff here then

2018-06-01 06:10:44 UTC  

Yeah, Sorry to kill the fun lol but it's what goes

2018-06-01 06:10:52 UTC

2018-06-01 06:11:04 UTC  

Weeb trash should be kept to the Asian section of the page

2018-06-01 06:11:39 UTC  

Hellsing is probably one of the least weeb things to ever come out of Japan

2018-06-01 06:12:24 UTC  

The best thing to come out of there is Godzilla. Fite me

2018-06-01 06:12:44 UTC  

Godzilla is terrible

2018-06-01 06:13:00 UTC  

Absolutely weeb

2018-06-01 06:13:02 UTC  

Vampires with supa powers...

2018-06-01 06:13:03 UTC  

baby metal?

2018-06-01 06:13:14 UTC  


2018-06-01 06:13:30 UTC  

Godzilla is awesome

2018-06-01 06:13:30 UTC  


2018-06-01 06:13:30 UTC  

Baby metal is good but about as weeb as you can get

2018-06-01 06:13:45 UTC  

oh shit

2018-06-01 06:13:53 UTC  

There is better metal from Japan than that. Like Sigh and Boris

2018-06-01 06:14:06 UTC  

Godzilla is fucking great, GTFO

2018-06-01 06:14:17 UTC  

Godzilla es weeb

2018-06-01 06:14:33 UTC  

a huge ass monster just absolutely destroying everything is about as chad as possible

2018-06-01 06:14:42 UTC  

Fuck yeah it is

2018-06-01 06:14:51 UTC  

Says the man with a fox girl for a profile pic...

2018-06-01 06:15:17 UTC  

Except for the whole humans created him and are the real monsters liberal trash

2018-06-01 06:15:30 UTC  


2018-06-01 06:15:31 UTC  

Fox girl?

2018-06-01 06:15:33 UTC  

that is true

2018-06-01 06:16:13 UTC  

What Godzilla is depends on what film you are watching really. He has gone back and forth between being a good guy and being a villain numerous times

2018-06-01 06:16:23 UTC  

also truwe

2018-06-01 06:16:24 UTC  

Whatever that furry anime picture is

2018-06-01 06:16:24 UTC  


2018-06-01 06:16:33 UTC

2018-06-01 06:16:46 UTC  


2018-06-01 06:17:14 UTC  

Idk he is pretty awesome in BB