Message from @pratel

Discord ID: 521843618722480144

2018-12-11 00:16:54 UTC  

US/Canada is a bigger problem but there's probably a way to physically link people

2018-12-11 00:17:18 UTC  

@Beemann I know, I was poking fun.

2018-12-11 00:17:35 UTC  

Keep your religious attitudes from legislation that restricts my life

2018-12-11 00:17:49 UTC  

someone tried to convince me that crypto only as a way to crowdfund was practical yesterday.

2018-12-11 00:17:56 UTC  

I'd recommend focusing on the trade association idea and leave the geographic concentration, alternate payment systems, alternate networks, etc, as hypothetical. They aren't actionable in a practical way and would take too long to realize to have any use. The time window is very short here.

2018-12-11 00:17:58 UTC  

What your proposing, @Beemann Beeman, is essentially the Free State Project. But that's not going to matter when the federal government and international businesses make the decision above your head anyway.

2018-12-11 00:18:02 UTC  

@DrYuriMom So long as you say that for the opposite way 😛

2018-12-11 00:18:08 UTC  

I agree with Atkins here.

2018-12-11 00:18:16 UTC  

But, of course! @ryuplaneswalker

2018-12-11 00:18:32 UTC  

Alot of the specific logistics are particular problems to overcome. Not something that needs to be resolved all at once.

2018-12-11 00:18:37 UTC  

@DrYuriMom That is why my position on gay marriage..was to remove the civil parts of marriage.

2018-12-11 00:18:49 UTC  

No taxes, no legal rights inherently attached.

2018-12-11 00:18:53 UTC  

Like, if we have any lawyers, it might be good to DM Tim and some content creators for example

2018-12-11 00:18:53 UTC  


2018-12-11 00:19:15 UTC  

Start looking up corporate boards and the like.

2018-12-11 00:19:18 UTC  

to be married however you want..but you are still individuals in the eye of the state.

2018-12-11 00:19:40 UTC  

Be my guest, @ryuplaneswalker. If there was no civil benefit to marriage then I wouldn;t care. It just can't be LGBT who argues that case because we'd be called "anti family" and we aren't.

2018-12-11 00:19:55 UTC  

Tim knows Will Chamberlain, who is a DC lawyer interested in this problem.

2018-12-11 00:20:10 UTC  

@DrYuriMom Well that was my argument, and I got called anti-LGBT 😛

2018-12-11 00:20:13 UTC  

As long as all pairs of consenting adults are treated equally, I'm jiggy with it

2018-12-11 00:20:14 UTC  

Fair enough. Know any content creators who might need help too?

2018-12-11 00:20:51 UTC  

Chamberlain is pretty partisan though, and for mass appeal it would be best to keep this trade association ideologically neutral beyond a commitment to free speech for all.

2018-12-11 00:21:09 UTC  

I'm not sure I'd want to apply a partisanship test.

2018-12-11 00:21:14 UTC  

Numbers are more important than having a unified political stance.

2018-12-11 00:21:16 UTC  

I'm not sure if totally eliminating pairing benefits will be good policy if we want another generation, but that can be debated.

2018-12-11 00:21:50 UTC  

I can agree with this, Atkins, but I'm not sure most people really care that much. If you start saying "X is too partisan" you run the risk of just excluding too many people as it is.

2018-12-11 00:21:58 UTC  

Well that is a societal problem Cat.

2018-12-11 00:22:00 UTC  

So long as you can agree that free speech for everyone is something that must be upheld, other positions are immaterial.

2018-12-11 00:22:28 UTC  

We added a huge amount of risk to men for pairing.

2018-12-11 00:22:49 UTC  

that is why I will not date someone with children, or want children of my own.

2018-12-11 00:23:04 UTC  

My comment with respect to Chamberlain wasn't to exclude him; it was simply an acknowledgement that I don't know him on a personal level and I don't know if he'd agree with what we're proposing. He may not be willing to partner up with people of differing political opinions. I don't know. It's worth talking to him.

2018-12-11 00:23:34 UTC  

Oh I see. Fair point.

2018-12-11 00:23:52 UTC  

That he and Tim are on speaking terms is a good sign though.

2018-12-11 00:24:03 UTC  

One issue is the potential for subversion.

2018-12-11 00:24:10 UTC  

But that's another issue.

2018-12-11 00:24:34 UTC  

I think if the focus is on concrete actions and steps, unity, cohesion and resistance to subversion tend to follow.

2018-12-11 00:25:47 UTC  

I'm glad I had kids.

2018-12-11 00:25:59 UTC  

My two geeklings are amazing young adults

2018-12-11 00:26:07 UTC  

Also, Days of Rage has some interesting points on how the left organized in the past. Just as a hint, @Atkins. And you should check out my page on Minds.

2018-12-11 00:26:18 UTC  

Can't drop any more hints than I already have.

2018-12-11 00:26:24 UTC  

And one will be a young man on campus starting next year 😃