Message from @Thornberry

Discord ID: 454460473732235274

2018-06-08 01:39:32 UTC

2018-06-08 01:39:59 UTC  

You see, the Blue Wave is real.

2018-06-08 01:40:09 UTC  

CNN just forgot to add that it was for Canada, not America.

2018-06-08 01:40:21 UTC  


2018-06-08 01:40:25 UTC  

Blue is our Red

2018-06-08 01:40:29 UTC  

Make Ontario great again

2018-06-08 01:41:22 UTC  

Though Trudeau is basically going to be betting all his cards on Quebec and BC for the next election.

2018-06-08 01:41:47 UTC  

Territories almost exclusively go NDP and the Prairies despise him for the diversity fire fighters.

2018-06-08 01:41:49 UTC  

BC full of cucks?

2018-06-08 01:41:55 UTC  


2018-06-08 01:42:11 UTC  


2018-06-08 01:42:16 UTC  


2018-06-08 01:42:16 UTC  


2018-06-08 01:42:23 UTC  

West Coast is full of cucks by default, and British Columbia has Vancouver, which is basically Hong Kong at this point.

2018-06-08 01:42:33 UTC  


2018-06-08 01:42:33 UTC  


2018-06-08 01:42:34 UTC  


2018-06-08 01:42:35 UTC

2018-06-08 01:42:36 UTC  


2018-06-08 01:43:10 UTC  

I don't think American dairy has to really worry about bagged milk that much, but I cannot help but love Trump for sticking it to him.

2018-06-08 01:43:40 UTC  

If it was Andrew Scheer I'd be with my government

2018-06-08 01:43:54 UTC  

But I want trudeau out

2018-06-08 01:46:10 UTC

2018-06-08 01:46:26 UTC  

Canada and the US have a special relationship, I will agree, but it's recently become a very dishonest one. NAFTA hurts us both, hell, the loopholes even screw over Mexico too. It's good that Trump is ripping it up, at least I think so.

2018-06-08 01:47:18 UTC  

I just don't see Canada as a national security threat

2018-06-08 01:47:59 UTC  

Tom just brought up Canada

2018-06-08 01:48:33 UTC  

meme a #RedWave where the wave is made of maple syrup

2018-06-08 01:48:38 UTC  


2018-06-08 01:48:38 UTC  

include a moose and a mountie

2018-06-08 01:48:41 UTC  


2018-06-08 01:49:11 UTC  

Donald Trump being hard on Canada might be part of his 4d chess

2018-06-08 01:49:20 UTC  

make Trudeau look bad

2018-06-08 01:49:21 UTC  

**the fire rises**

2018-06-08 01:49:27 UTC  

It most likely is. We don't want to ruin our relationship with Canada

2018-06-08 01:49:40 UTC  

Mexico can fuck off tho

2018-06-08 01:50:00 UTC  

Mexico is a leech on both of us, but honestly NAFTA screws over them too.

2018-06-08 01:50:08 UTC  

Not the government, they're rolling in money and corruption.

2018-06-08 01:50:21 UTC  

But of the Mexicans who actually want to stay in their country and have it be... _less shit_...

2018-06-08 01:50:29 UTC  

Loopholes hurt them too.

2018-06-08 01:50:45 UTC  

They just need a government that's actually willing to crack down on the cartel

2018-06-08 01:50:52 UTC