Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 455068370505826315

2018-06-09 17:57:23 UTC  

I'd never say it to a black person.

2018-06-09 17:57:27 UTC  

Don't see the point

2018-06-09 17:57:44 UTC  

There isn't a point to it

2018-06-09 17:57:48 UTC  

People are just people

2018-06-09 17:57:56 UTC  

It's just being mean for no reason

2018-06-09 17:57:59 UTC  

They made cracker racist too. It used to not be

2018-06-09 17:58:06 UTC  

I'd rather just not talk to black people at all

2018-06-09 17:58:15 UTC  

are watermelon and kfc chicken memes racist too?

2018-06-09 17:58:25 UTC  

Nah, black people acknowledge those things

2018-06-09 17:58:31 UTC  

But they would cry racism

2018-06-09 17:58:32 UTC

2018-06-09 17:58:36 UTC  

If a white person posted one

2018-06-09 17:58:47 UTC  

gifs doesn't work

2018-06-09 17:58:48 UTC  


2018-06-09 17:58:55 UTC  

Several months ago a rookie fireman went to work at a fire station in a black neighborhood, first day on the job, he brought fried chicken and watermelon

2018-06-09 17:58:57 UTC  

Yeah they do

2018-06-09 17:59:02 UTC  

All the firemen were black

2018-06-09 17:59:06 UTC  


2018-06-09 17:59:13 UTC  

did they laughed it off and ate it?

2018-06-09 17:59:14 UTC  

He got fired. But the black firemen defended him

2018-06-09 17:59:36 UTC  

The city got pissed off about it, said he's racist, the black firemen said it didn't bother them

2018-06-09 17:59:48 UTC  

I like the black people who don't call every republican/conservative racist. And who do not use the race card

2018-06-09 18:00:06 UTC  

Sleepy doctor is my favorite negro

2018-06-09 18:00:15 UTC  

I asked my wife, what she would do if someone brought a bunch of rice and noodles etc for her, she said "I'd eat it!"

2018-06-09 18:00:23 UTC  

She's Asian?

2018-06-09 18:00:26 UTC  


2018-06-09 18:00:55 UTC  

I've never met such redneck people in my whole life

2018-06-09 18:01:21 UTC  

I'm against race mixing unless it's with Asians

2018-06-09 18:01:27 UTC  

Cause I'm obsessed with Korea

2018-06-09 18:01:38 UTC  

I watch nothing but Korean dramas

2018-06-09 18:01:40 UTC  

So you know how women say that, I'll love you no matter what etc. I asked her, what if I was black, she said "then we could be friends"

2018-06-09 18:01:52 UTC  


2018-06-09 18:02:30 UTC  

It's a tough question to tackle. I always wonder how I'll handle it if my daughter brings a black boy home

2018-06-09 18:02:41 UTC  

First time I went over there, met one of our uncles, older PLA veteran. They're talking in Mandarin and keep saying 那个, which sounds like nigga in their regional accent

2018-06-09 18:03:22 UTC  

this is the most woke black guy

2018-06-09 18:03:23 UTC

2018-06-09 18:03:52 UTC  

Then he ranted for half an hour about Africans coming to China, taking their jobs, don't respect women, all criminals and illegal immigrants

2018-06-09 18:05:40 UTC  

My wife keeps joking with me saying we're gonna adopt a black kid, I told her I'll convince him he has a skin condition but is actually white

2018-06-09 18:06:02 UTC  


2018-06-09 18:06:13 UTC  

why aren't universities doing this as social experiment?