Message from @fsmetal
Discord ID: 455888757833465886
think i heard spain took that boat full of illegals that malta and italy refused
It's a shame that an organization like that with so much potential to help people would do something like this
Really they are just making it worse
@Kromag Spain offered yeah, but MSF said the trip would be unsafe
They have enough food for one more day. The trip to Spain is three days. So they've decided to stay put, I guess until someone else will take them.
I don’t go on IG anymore
All I do on there is post pics of me and my girlfriend
I've been through a dozen or more Facebook and three Twitter accts so far
Twitter isn’t my place anymore
I’m thinking about invading lmfao
Me either but once in awhile I have a need to shitpost there
BREAKING NEWSZ: Trump is on his way to the summit
Trump is lubeing up hard
anyone got any livestreams to catch any glimpse of the summit?
was watching that
but dont like it that much
Can’t wait for the first photo of trump and Kim together lol
No pics today
Just 1 on 1
ahh ok
welp chariman kim just pulled up
Trump has been warned against being too friendly to Kim
Fucking CNN
Thinks trump gonna be nice to him lol
Nothing wrong with being polite even to an enemy, as long as you hold your ground. I have complete faith that the Emperor will do just that.
Larry Kudlow has suffered a heart attack 😦 (trumps economic advisor)
oh noes
sony conference starting soon lads
fuckin pumped
Heart attack why Trump is out of the Country?....
I done riled up some kid on the GET page cause his friend was a weak willed coward and killed himself lol
Stingray Gun? Instant heart atttack