Message from @Moncher
Discord ID: 456184039745781780
Nothing at all
They'd rape and kill their own mothers
Not if we do it first
Okay fbi
The western screaming flytrap
Saw a headline "China got everything they want from Singapore summit"
But muh China, but muh Russia
Jesus fucking Christ
They'd love nothing more than to see us all killing each other
You'll never guess his religion! Damn Taoists
Why was this cunt appointed exactly? Why are we trying to convince Poland to take in migrants???
Canada doesn’t hold a finger to us
Not to mention their special forces go in with US forces. We own those fuckers still
Had a prior Canadian Forces infantryman in my unit... terrible soldier
Its about trade relations. not actual warfare
Well. We got another reason to question if Zuc is human
Traps aren’t gay til the dick gets involved
Trump is a pee pee poo doo doo head
lol rt
The world economy is based on what the U.S. does. And to secure our own interests and to help our economy we must take a stance of protectionism. Maybe all these countries should have built up their own industry and agriculture, rather than expect a different nation to carry them. Protectionism is cruel but I care for my own country and it's well being first over allied nations, even if they are right on our border.
anything less is G L O B A L I S M
The notiom of a Global Economy helps no one and it is highly dangerous as it forces wealthy and naturally rich countries to carry the rest of the world on their back. And if said strong country's economy collapses the entire world economy goes with it.
Call me a Chauvinist but it is High Time the rest of the world starts pulling its own weight and stop leeching off the United States.
If a country requires to be extensively propped up by foreign money and resources to properly function, it does not deserve to exist.
I agree
I love how the media is ignoring the fact that Trump said the sanctions will remain in place until the nukes are removed. This new narrative will blow over and make them look like dumbasses as usual
>Bu... But, tariffs are bad and cause pain for both sides and is not good for economic growth
Oh only if there was a point in time in our nation's history that we extensively employed tariffs to generate revenue and still was able to have a functioning economy. Oh wait...