Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 456202956895813644
Traps aren’t gay til the dick gets involved
Trump is a pee pee poo doo doo head
lol rt
The world economy is based on what the U.S. does. And to secure our own interests and to help our economy we must take a stance of protectionism. Maybe all these countries should have built up their own industry and agriculture, rather than expect a different nation to carry them. Protectionism is cruel but I care for my own country and it's well being first over allied nations, even if they are right on our border.
anything less is G L O B A L I S M
The notiom of a Global Economy helps no one and it is highly dangerous as it forces wealthy and naturally rich countries to carry the rest of the world on their back. And if said strong country's economy collapses the entire world economy goes with it.
Call me a Chauvinist but it is High Time the rest of the world starts pulling its own weight and stop leeching off the United States.
If a country requires to be extensively propped up by foreign money and resources to properly function, it does not deserve to exist.
I agree
I love how the media is ignoring the fact that Trump said the sanctions will remain in place until the nukes are removed. This new narrative will blow over and make them look like dumbasses as usual
>Bu... But, tariffs are bad and cause pain for both sides and is not good for economic growth
Oh only if there was a point in time in our nation's history that we extensively employed tariffs to generate revenue and still was able to have a functioning economy. Oh wait...
@BillClintonFriskyHands sounds like my kind of movie
Its not so much your economy that'll suffer. its ours under your tariffs. Thanks to old JT our economy won't be able to handle it long term
Well you can blame the left for voting him in. Just hang on for a little while longer to get that cuck removed
As soon as he is removed and you guys get a good guy in charge I'm sure a far more fair deal for both sides will be reached
yeah. just remember too that both Canada and the US's trade economies are focused on each other. 50% of metal and oil that the US uses is from Canada
and vice versa
It wouldn't be hard for us to become independent from your trade goods. The problem is can Canada survive without ours?
Honestly this trade things is the only thing I have a problem with Trump about. He just makes JT look good standing up to him.
4d Chess, Trust in Trump
These things always lead to something
@Victus Shmmidtt Considering the US has been reliant of Canada for resources since before Nixon you'd suffer a lot. Canada's resource are barely used up at all. Its believed we have more oil then most of the middle east. Just we don't drill it for environmental and political reasons.
AKA don't piss off the sand people.
I remember that moment
I know Trump wouldn't do anything stupid. Everything he's done so far has had reasoning for it in the first place
I know
In the past three years the US has also found huge deposits of oil and natural gas. So much so that we can easily go energy independent. If the need arise all we do is just start drilling.
Just as much as I'm a right winger. I'm also a Canadian patriot.
If trump did some dumb shit like accidently nuked california I still support him 👀
If I'm not mistaken we are soon to overtake Saudi Arabia in output
@Victus Shmmidtt I believe we already did. We've become the largest Oil exporter in the world
Why did we let the arabic sand monkeys a reason to have more oil in first place?
Saudi Arabia is less autistic i suppose
Idk. They have enough money to fund refugees.. Housing
Instead of letting europe absorb the cancer
They don't want to because they know just as well as the rest of us that they're no good