Message from @BullWhale69
Discord ID: 456255532580470786
After quite a bit of silence
I’m not caught up yet
Ready player one was a terrible book
Its one of those cases where the movie is better
How did a meme acct get a blue checkmark
because they're communists
because twitter hands them out to leftists like candy
Qanon is LARP
It’s possible but I’d bet otherwise
No Second Korean War so no new M.A.S.H. episodes
Thats all debatable
Awesome painting
He's in our GET(O) group. Very humble and talented man
Keep it going
It’s growing
The citizens have to stand up. Keep pushing. Push until they break
But are the British people willing to go revolutionary?
They’re on the edge
We did (america) So i don't see why the british won't. Americans are technically British through blood
Well some
They’re angry. They just need to organize
Europe is too fat on beer soccor and baguettes
So are the police
They also need a new Charismatic leader to channel their anger and rally them against the enemy
It evens out
Even without guns citizens have the edge
Organization is the biggest weapon against the establishment
I'll be cheering them on when it happens.
You cant fight an organized mob without killing them
Its why police back off and try to contain it to an area
U might as well do a cyber war
Its safer. But hell what do i know
Riots change stuff faster