Message from @Mf1399

Discord ID: 457674646343516161

2018-06-16 21:25:06 UTC  

Too late, Obama is out-of-office

2018-06-16 21:25:38 UTC  

Maybe if we tell the drone operators a wedding is being held there...?

2018-06-16 21:26:33 UTC  


2018-06-16 21:32:40 UTC  

African dictators always look stupid

2018-06-16 21:33:25 UTC  

Protestors: Israeli IDF is too eager to kill!
Israel: Okay, we'll shoot to wound
Israel: (loads soft-tip ammunition)

2018-06-16 21:33:51 UTC  


2018-06-16 21:33:52 UTC  

We've come full circle

2018-06-16 21:34:03 UTC  

Love it

2018-06-16 21:36:29 UTC

2018-06-16 21:36:52 UTC  

I too want the answer to this question

2018-06-16 21:37:13 UTC  

I sense Christopher Wray is a cuck

2018-06-16 21:45:42 UTC  

Wray is our guy

2018-06-16 21:47:46 UTC  

Trump brought comey to see all the memes coming after the next IG report. He negotiated his surrender and full cooperation shortly after

2018-06-16 21:53:14 UTC  

Wray still hasn't fired Peter, Why?

2018-06-16 21:53:18 UTC  

if he's /ourguy/

2018-06-16 21:53:29 UTC  

Political 4D chess?

2018-06-16 21:59:14 UTC  

You'll forgive me if I am suspicious of Q

2018-06-16 22:35:38 UTC  

chat is dead today wtf

2018-06-16 22:43:55 UTC  

This video angers me because the reporters keep talking over THE PRESIDENT. They barely let him get a word out and he can't even finish his sentences. But he's right. It's a democrat law. Why don't they want to fix it?

2018-06-16 22:47:08 UTC  
2018-06-16 23:02:13 UTC  

Anyone here follow Orwell and Goode on Twitter?

2018-06-16 23:02:17 UTC  

Or elsewhere I guess

2018-06-16 23:04:09 UTC  

Nope. How come? Should I be?

2018-06-16 23:20:16 UTC  

Just curious about what people think of them, they invited me to go on their show

2018-06-16 23:25:02 UTC  

That's awesome

2018-06-16 23:25:08 UTC  

Every time someone says fast food deserves $15 an hour, I take them to my local Wendy’s to prove that they don’t

2018-06-16 23:34:05 UTC  

It’s been 10 minutes

2018-06-16 23:34:09 UTC  

Yet to receive my salad

2018-06-16 23:34:49 UTC  


2018-06-16 23:34:59 UTC  

"you want $15 fucking dollars for this?"

2018-06-16 23:36:17 UTC

2018-06-16 23:36:51 UTC  

Minimum wage increases are just a scam to put people in a higher tax bracket

2018-06-16 23:37:55 UTC  

Buying power of fiat is constantly decreasing. Inflation didn’t exist until we started backing our money with an interest rate

2018-06-16 23:38:36 UTC  

This is why the final boss has to be the federal reserve

2018-06-16 23:38:51 UTC  

Remember the last man who wanted to go after the Federal Reserve

2018-06-16 23:38:55 UTC  

ahem Kennedy ahem

2018-06-16 23:39:04 UTC  

He wasn’t ready